2024 Canadian Open: Day 2 Prelims Recap
Summer McIntosh will race both the 100 free and 100 breast on Day 2 of the Canadian Swimming Open in Toronto.
How (And When) To Watch The 2024 Canadian Swimming Open
Find out how and when you can keep up with all of the action at the 2024 Canadian Open, which is slated to start on April 10th in Toronto.
2024 Canadian Open Psychs: Summer McIntosh takes on All Four 100s Plus 200 FR/IM And 50 FR
The 2024 Canadian Open psych sheets are live, featuring Summer McIntosh in her usual 200 free/IM, but is also set to hit up all four 100s and the 50 free.
Toronto Sweeps U SPORTS Titles as Branton, Dongfang Take Down Meet Records
The Toronto women rallied from a 108.5-point deficit behind UBC on the final day of the U SPORTS Championships to claim their third national crown in a row.
Is Shona Branton the Answer to the Canadian Medley Relays?
Canadian breaststroker Shona Branton went big in 2023. In 2024, she’s going even bigger.
Kelsey Wog Record Canadese Nei 100 Rana In Vasca Corta
Kelsey Wong ha realizzato il nuovo record canadese nei 100 rana in vasca corta, cancellando il record che risaliva al 2009
Kelsey Wog Takes Down Canadian Record in 100 Breaststroke (SCM): 1:04.22
Swimming at the Prairie Winter Invitational, Wog clipped a 14-year-old record by six-hundredths of a second.
Giochi Panamericani: MacNeil Record Nei 100 Stile-Recap Day3
Si è svolta la terza sessione di finali dei Giochi Panamericani 2023. La manifestazione si concluderà domani. Recap terzo giorno
2023 Pan American Games: Day 3 Prelims Live Recap
Kicking things off this morning will be Catie DeLoof in the women’s 100 free.
Giochi Panamericani Al Via In Cile: Anteprima E Atleti Iscritti
In Cile inizieranno oggi i Giochi Panamericani che avranno molte stelle del nuoto da Stati Uniti, Canada, Centro e Sud America
2023 Pan American Games: Links + Storylines to Follow
The five-day meet will feature many of the top swimmers from the U.S., Canada, and Central and South America.
Quale Nazione Vincerebbe Un’Ipotetica 4×200 Misti Femminile?
Dopo aver ipotizzato una staffetta mondiale 4×200 metri misti maschili, vediamo come sarebbe la top ten nella classifica femminile
What If There Was a 4×200 Medley Relay? (Women’s Edition)
If a 4×200 Medley Relay was added to the high-level competition lineup, which country would find the most success in the pool?
Schoenmaker First Since ‘92 to Hold Olympic, Worlds, and WUGs Titles Simultaneously
With gold in the 200 breaststroke, Tatjana Schoenmaker became the 1st swimmer in over 30 years to hold the Olympic, Worlds and WUG titles concurrently.
Anteprime Mondiali 2023: I 200 Metri Rana Femminili
Prepariamoci a vivere sette giorni di nuoto di altissimo livello ai Campionati del Mondo di nuoto 2023 conoscendo i protagonisti