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Katie Ledecky

View Katie Ledecky's Biography

"I just like to swim…fast. I don't think about the distance."

Isabella Arcila se mide a las más grandes en el Pro Swim Series

Del 6 al 9 de marzo se celebra en Des Moines la segunda etapa del circuito Pro Swim Series. La colombiana Isabella Arcila, así como los mexicanos Melissa Rodríguez y Miguel de Lara, entre otras estrellas hispanoamericanas, se medirán a los mejores del mundo.

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Cal Breaks NCAA Record with 3:07.41 400 Free Relay

What’s kind of incredible here is that we pretty much know this relay has the ability to be faster.


Instancabile Quadarella: Nuota 800 E 1500 Metri in Una Sola Gara

TROFEO CITTA’ DI MILANO 2019 Venerdì 01 Marzo – Domenica 03 Marzo Milano – Piscina Samuele Vasca Lunga 50 metri…

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2019 Pac-12 Women’s Championships: Day 3 Prelims Live Recap

Day 3’s morning session will see prelims for the 400 IM, 100 fly, 200 free, 100 breast, and 100 back.


Ella Eastin Becomes 10th Fastest 500 Freestyler In History

On top of the incredible time, Eastin also negative split the race.


2019 Pac-12 Women’s Championships: Day 2 Prelims Live Recap

Day two of the 2019 Pac-12 Women’s Championships is underway.


BSN Sports Swim Team of the Week: National’s Capital

Nation’s Capital Swim Club, located in the Washington, D.C. metro area, is one of the largest and most successful teams in the entire country.

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Swimming’s TopTenTweets: Do it for the Insta

We’re back with swimming’s TopTenTweets presented by Arena, where we round up the best of the swimming Twitterverse. From Oscars…

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La FINA revela las estrellas que participarán en la Champions Series

Katinka Hosszu, Ryan Murphy y Sarah Sjostrom son solo algunas de las estrellas que han sido confirmadas para la FINA Champions Series. La FINA ha revelado una lista completa de los nadadores que estarán esta primavera en esta nueva competición.

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FINA Drops Star-Studded Participant List for 2019 Champions Series

FINA announced an extensive list of American and international stars confirmed for the inaugural Champions Series Friday.


7 Reasons Bryce Harper Should Sign with the ISL

The timing is right for Bryce Harper to make the switch to America’s pastime of the future: swimming.


Nuoto A Stile Libero E Dorso, La Magia Del Numero 90

Per gentile concessione di Gary Hall Sr., 10 volte detentore del record mondiale, 3 volte olimpionico. Portabandiera statunitense olimpiadi 1976…

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Freestyle Swimming Strokes: The Magic of 90

I do not know why, but in nature, when it comes to endurance events, there seems to be something magical about 90.


Start 2019 With SwimSwam Magazine – 2018 Year In Review

Start 2019 off with SwimSwam Magazine to inspire your swimmer, swammer, swim-fan or coach.

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Adams Leads SwimSquads After 101-Point Knoxville Showing

It was a fast start for Cammile Adams’s team in USA Swimming’s SwimSquad Battles. The Adams Family outscored the other three teams by 10 points to take an early SwimSquads lead.

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