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John Coates

El Primer Ministro japonés Suga afirma que Japón procederá con los JJOO

La postura de Suga se hace eco de la del vicepresidente del Comité Olímpico Internacional, John Coates, de principios de este mes.

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Contromisure Per Olimpiadi 2021 Esaminate Ieri In Riunione CIO

Il CIO e il Comitato Organizzatore di Tokyo 2020 si sono riuniti ieri, per discutere le misure da adottare per le prossime Olimpiadi di Tokyo.

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IOC & Tokyo 2020 Org Committee Meet On Coronavirus Countermeasures

The IOC and Tokyo 2020 Organizing Committee met to discuss what a post-coronavirus pandemic Olympic Games might look like next year.

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John Coates, Vicepresidente Del COI: “Los JJOO Tendrán Lugar”

“Ahora, estos serán los Juegos que conquistaron Covid, la luz al final del túnel,” Coates destacó a raíz del lema de los JJOO.

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John Coates: Le Olimpiadi Di Tokyo Si Faranno Nel 2021, Pandemia O No

John Coates, vice presidente del CIO ha affermato all’AFP che le Olimpiadi di Tokyo, posticipate al 2021, si faranno, pandemia o meno

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IOC Elects John Coates In VP Role, New Board Members Boost Gender Equality

John Coates represents one of two Vice Presidents elected at the 136th session of the International Olympic Committee (IOC) this week.

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Olimpiadi Nel 2021: Ottobre Sarà Il Mese Cruciale Per Decidere

Olimpiadi 2021: Ottobre sarà un mese cruciale per decidere la reale fattibilità nell’estate del 2021, tra l’attesa del vaccino e la seconda ondata

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IOC Member Says October Key in Deciding Future of Olympic Games in 2021

Australia’s John Coates says that October will be crucial in determining if the Tokyo Olympic Games can go forward in 2021.

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Brisbane Continuerà Le Offerte Per Ospitare Le Olimpiadi 2032

Brisbane ha annunciato che sosterrà la sua candidatura per ospitare i giochi del 2032. L’annuncio è stato dato dal premier del Queensland

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Brisbane Puts 2032 Olympic Bid On Hold

Brisbane, Austalia’s 3rd largest city, has announced they will be placing a hold on their bid to host the 2032 Olympic Games.


AOC President John Coates Claims Tokyo 2021 Olympics Could be “Greatest Ever”

In a meeting with the Australian Olympic Committee, Coates remarked that the Tokyo Games could be the “greatest ever” despite of the delay caused by COVID-19.


Beyond The Lane Lines: Aussie Pay Cuts, SEA Games Venues Repurposed

Catch up on news stories from around the swimming web, including a trio of Arizona Wildcats being inducted into the school’s Hall of Fame.

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AOC President John Coates Volunteers 20 Percent Pay Cut Due to Corona Pandemic

AOC President John Coates has voluntarily taken a 20 percent pay cut in response to the global coronavirus pandemic.


China Reportedly Planning to Contain 600 Athletes in Paris Ahead of Tokyo Games

According to Australian Olympic Committee president John Coates, Chinaese athletes will gather at a Paris university and go straight to Tokto from there.


As Bidding to Host the Olympic Games Loses Popularity, IOC Contemplates Change

While the IOC has devised reforms to almost every aspect of the Games, it is still working to change aspects of the host selection procedure.