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Jérémy Stravius

Golden Tour Camille Muffat 2020 Al Via Oggi. Premi Per Le Batterie

Il Golden Tour 2020 si svolgerà a partire da oggi, 7 Febbraio nella piscina Jean Bouin in memoria della medaglia olimpica Camille Muffat

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2020 FFN Golden Tour Nice: Heat Swim $ Forfeited If Athletes Scratch Finals

Swimmers at the FFN Golden Tour this weekend in Nice will only get paid if they carry over their heats appearances to the finals.

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Jeremy Stravius Annuncia Il Ritiro Dal Nuoto

Jeremy Stravius ha annunciato il suo ritiro dal nuoto agonistico. Il nuotatore francese ha deciso di appendere gli occhialini al chiodo a 31 anni

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4-Time World Champion Jeremy Stravius Announces Retirement from Swimming

The 31-year old Frenchman won the long course World Championship in the 100 backstroke in 2011, and has 3 Olympic medals as well.


Euro Meet: Ceccon Meet Record 100 Dorso. Tutti I Risultati Day 1

L’Euro Meet 2020 si è aperto in Lussemburgo oggi e già ai blocchi di partenza si sono avvicendati star del panorama internazionale. I Risultati

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Euro Meet Lussemburgo 2020 – Parata Di Stelle Nel Week End

L’Euro Meet sarà la gara internazionale più interessante di questo fine settimana. Tante stelle internazionali e molti azzurri impegnati in Lussemburgo

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Proud, Fratus, Manaudou, Govorov Set To Spar At 2020 Euro Meet Luxembourg

We’ll get a taste for where the men’s 50m free speed is at with Florent Manaudou, Bruno Fratus, Ben Proud and more racing in Luxembourg.


Jeremy Desplanches Just Misses another Swiss Record to Close French Nationals

After breaking a National Record in the 400 IM on Saturday, Jeremy Desplanches nearly broke another in the 200 IM on Sunday.


Jeremy Desplanches Breaks Swiss Record in 400 IM at French SC Nationals

Swiss swimmer Jeremy Desplanches broke his own National Record in the 400 IM and now ranks 3rd in the world this season behind Andrew Seliskar and Chase Kalisz.

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Manaudou Warms Up At French SC Nationals With 20.41 Relay Split

Florent Manaudou was in the water on night 1 of the 2019 French Short Course Championships, making his presence known on a winning relay.

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2019 ISL American Derby – Day 1 Live Recap

For the first – and last – time this season, all four American ISL teams will go to head-to-head this weekend in College Park, MD.


ISL: Le Migliori Performance Ed Atleti All’Alba Dei Due Derby

La stagione inaugurale della ISL si avvia agli scontri finali. Vediamo quali sono state le migliori performance e gli atleti che hanno accumulato più punti

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ISL Checkpoint: Top Times & Swimmers Heading Into Derby Meets

After compiling the top times and top scoring swimmers, the Cali Condors look strong to take the US derby while the Roar/Energy battle is still one week away.


International Swimming League: Team-By-Team Previews For 2019 American Derby

It’s time for the American Derby – we preview each team for strengths and weaknesses, focusing in on the all-important skins and relay races.


Military World Games: Le Presenze Internazionali E Gli Italiani In Gara

I Military World Games sono iniziati oggi, 19 Ottobre. Al via tanti atleti di rilevanza internazionale. Vediamo chi sono gli italiani in gara

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