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Jane Nickerson

Swim England Welcomes December 2nd Lockdown Lifting

Swimmers in England will be able to return to the pool after the December 2nd coronavirus closures and restrictions have been lifted.

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England’s Lockdown #2 Means Only Elite-Level Swimming

England’s aquatic athletes are now facing a second lockdown due to the coronavirus pandemic. Learn the details of the situation here.


Swim England Sends Lockdown Plea Letter Ahead Of Gov Debate

Swim England has revealed more than 23,000 individuals have signed its petition pleading for leisure centres to remain open.


Inghilterra In Lockdown. Chiuse Piscine Atleti D’Elite Possono Continuare

Inghilterra in lockdown a partire da giovedì. Piscine e centri sportivi chiusi ma gli atleti d’élite possono continuare ad allenarsi

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Leisure Centers to Close, Elite Sport Allowed In England’s New Lockdown

Prime Minister Boris Johnson has announced another national lockdown for the nation of England to combat his concerns over the coronaviurs.


Liverpool Deemed ‘Very High’ COVID Alert Area; Closures Imminent

Liverpool has seen its coronavirus-related restrictions tightened this week, with the region placed in the ‘very high local COVID Alert Level’.


New Coronavirus Restrictions In England Mean Less Water Polo, Artistic Swimming

Swim England released a statement from the organization in response to the latest coronavirus-related restrictions put in place by the nation’s government.

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Escocia Ve Una Suave Reapertura De Las Piscinas: Inglaterra, En Crisis

Sportscotland anunció ayer el lanzamiento de un fondo de apoyo COVID de £ 1,5 millones ($ 1,995 millones de dólares) para apoyar el sistema deportivo escocés.

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Scozia: Impianti Possono Riaprire, Ma 1 Su 5 Chiuderà Definitivamente

In Scozia il governo ha ufficialmente dago il via libera alle riaperture degli impianti. Una struttura su cinque però rimane chiusa

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Scotland Has Soft Reopening While England Faces Leisure Pool Crisis

Swim England Chief Executive Jane Nickerson reveals a new report that one in five swimming pools will permanently close due to the coronavirus pandemic.

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Storied Ponds Forge Int’l Sports Center To Remain Closed

In a big blow to British swimming, storied facility Ponds Forge International Sports Centre will remain closed indefinitely.

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Plymouth Leander’s Training Base To Remain Closed Until April 2021

England’s indoor swimming pools can finally open after having been under lockdown since March 20th, but one notable training base will remain closed.

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England’s Pools Can Open On July 11th (Outdoor) & July 25th (Indoor)

After weeks of waiting, the nation of England finally learned when their indoor and outdoor swimming facilities can reopen. 

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Swim England Annuncia Tagli Al Personale E Riorganizzazione Struttura

Swim England annuncia la riorganizzazione della sua struttura in seguito alla crisi provocata dalle chiusure imposte dalla pandemia di coronavirus

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Swim England Cuts Workforce While Petitioning For Pool Reopenings

Swim England, the organization that governs aquatics within the nation, is facing some difficult realities internally to deal with coronavirus fallout.

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