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Jane Nickerson

Swim England Reaches Crossroads As Independent Report Has Troubling Findings

Swim England’s investigative report into reported cultural problems found abuse, racism and bullying, among other things, within the organization.


Swim England Limits Weighing Of Athletes To National Talent Pathway Swimmers

Swim England has revised its policy regarding the weighing of athletes, limiting the practice for those swimmers under the age of 18.


Brits Call On Government To Appoint Sports Ombudsman To Investigate Sexual Abuse Claims

Members of British clubs and sports teams, along with sexual abuse lawyers, are calling on government action to prevent future sexual abuse cases in sport.


Nearly 400 Pools Have Closed Across England In Past Decade

An eye-opening statistic on pool closures within the nation of England was released this weekend following an analysis of data collected by Sport England.


Exiting Swim England CEO Nickerson ‘Truly Sorry’ For Swimmers Impacted By Abuse Claims

Exiting CEO of Swim England Jane Nickerson offers a public apology for those impacted by reports of abuse and bullying within the organization.


English Swim Coach Brian McGuinness Banned Five Years After Bullying Investigation

McGuinness, who served as Chairman of the British Swimming Coaches Association, has been banned from all Swim England activity due to bullying accusations.

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Swim England CEO Retires Amid Controversy

Swim England CEO Jane Nickerson has announced her retirement effective at the end of 2023 but her departure is not without controversy.


Energy Crisis Impacting Pools Across Europe

France closed 30 pools after their operator reported an annual electric bill of 100 million euros ($99 million) — up from 15 million the year before.


Costi Energetici: Piscine Pubbliche A Rischio Chiusura In Inghilterra

Le bollette energetiche sono alle stelle anche in tutto il Regno Unito. Come in Italia, le piscine sono a rischio chiusura.

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Swim England Warns Soaring Energy Costs Could Force Public Pools to Close

Swim England’s chief executive calls on the new PM to provide government subsidies that would help pools stay open amid the U.K’s ongoing energy crisis.


Swim England Pleads With Government For Funds Amid Energy Crisis

According to Swim England, the nation’s rising energy costs are threatening the closure of hundreds of public leisure facilities in the next six months.

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Swim England CEO Nickerson: Closures Are Extremely Distressing

Swim England CEO Jane Nickerson posted an official response regarding new restrictions, pleading for leisure centres to be exempt from closures.


Piscine In Inghilterra Di Nuovo Chiuse, La Reazione Di Swim England

Le piscine a Londra e nel sud est dell’Inghilterra chiudono per effetto delle nuove misure restrittive. Swim England reagisce alla chiusura

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More English Swimmers Out Of The Water With ‘Tier 4’ Status

More regions within the nation of England have been designated as ‘tier 4’. Hear what Swim England has to say about the situation.


In Inghilterra Le Piscine E Le Palestre Riapriranno Dal 2 Dicembre

In Inghilterra le restrizioni termineranno il prossimo 2 Dicembre. Il Primo Ministro ha disposto la riapertura delle piscine

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