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James Wilby

Abbie Wood, 2ª mejor británica de todos los tiempos en 200 estilos

No solo ganó esta carrera por casi 7 segundos, sino que Wood ahora se ubica como la segunda nadadora británica más rápida en este evento.

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Abbie Wood Diventa La Seconda Inglese All Time Nei 200 Misti

Abbie Wood a Manchester ha chiuso con classe la manifestazione vincendo i 200 misti con 2:09.38 seconda inglese all time nella distanza

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Hansson nada los 100 mariposa en 57.59 en las eliminatorias de Manchester

El tiempo más rápido de Hansson está representado por los 57.10 registrados en el mundial de 2019, pero su 57.59 aquí es su sexto tiempo más rápido.

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Peaty logra la 2ª mejor marca mundial de la temporada en 50 braza

Peaty remató su 58.82 de la noche anterior con un 26.75 anoche en los 50 braza, más de un segundo por delante del segundo clasificado James Wilby (27.79).

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Abbie Wood Becomes #2 British 200 IMer All Time

The final session of the 2021 Manchester International Swim Meet took place tonight, with NY Breaker Abbie Wood turning some heads in the 200m IM.


Hansson Hits 57.59 100 Fly Prelim In Manchester

Loughborough’s Louise Hansson of Sweden looked strong in this morning’s heats of the women’s 100m butterfly in Manchester,.

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A Manchester Adam Peaty 26.75 Nei 50 Rana Secondo Al Mondo

A Manchester Adam Peaty conquista anche i 50 metri rana con il tempo di 26.75 posizionandosi al secondo posto del ranking mondiale

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Adam Peaty vence en Manchester con 58.82 en 100 braza

El resultado de Peaty arrasó el campo, cuyo siguiente competidor más cercano fue James Wilby, quien tocó la pared en 1:00.15.

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Adam Peaty Protagonista Dei 100 Rana A Manchester Recap Day 1

Adam Peaty ancora protagonista al  Manchester International Swim Meet dove conquista i 100 rana. Il nostro recap completo day 1

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Peaty Downs 58.82 100 Breast For Dinner In Manchester

Olympic champion Adam Peaty kept the momentum going tonight in Manchester, becoming the world’s 3rd fastest 100m breaststroker this season.


Peaty Puts Up 58.87 100 Breast For Breakfast

Adam Peaty is doing Adam Peaty things already on day 1 of the 2021 Manchester International Swimming Meet in his native England.


A Manchester Adam Peaty 58.8 Nelle Batterie Dei 100 Rana

A Manchester questa mattina si è aperto l’omonimo meeting. Ai blocchi di partenza atleti come Adam Peaty, James Guy, Freya Anderson

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Manchester Swim Meet In Diretta Streaming Ci Sarà Anche Peaty

Manchester Swim Meet al via domani. In gara anche Adam Peaty. Prevista Diretta streaming sul canale YouTube di British Swimming

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Manchester International Swim Meet To Be Livestreamed

Live swimming will actually be taking place this weekend in Great Britain amidst much of the nation still under strict coronavirus-related lockdowns.


SwimSwam’s Top 100 for 2021: Men’s #40 – #31

Clyde Lewis had the fastest (legal) flat start 200 free at last summer’s World Championships, but wound up just 6th in the event final.