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Jade Starr

Campionati Del Queensland: I Record Caduti Nel Day 1 (Recap)

Nel Queensland sono iniziati i campionati nazionali con molti record stabiliti dalle staffette maschili e femminili. Recap Day 1

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2023 Queensland Championships Day One: Multiple State All Comers Records Go Down

St. Andrew’s Isaac Cooper dove in on more than one occasion during day one of the 2023 Queensland Championships which began today.


Cody Simpson Laying 100 Butterfly Groundwork in Queensland

Cody Simpson cruised to the top of the podium in the men’s 100m butterfly event while competing at the Queensland LC Preparation Meet.


Joshua Edwards-Smith Breaks Mitch Larkin’s 200 Back Age Record by 3 Seconds

2019 AUSTRALIAN AGE CHAMPIONSHIPS Mon. April 15 – Mon. April 22, 2019 (Sunday/Monday Multiclass Timed Finals) Mon.-Sat. Heats 9 AM…