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IOC Athletes’ Commission Holds First Meeting With New Olympic Dates In Mind

The IOC AC conducted a call with over 150 athletes representatives to collect feedback and address questions and concerns over the new Olympic timeline.

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SwimSwam Pulse: 47% Support Postponing 2020 Olympics

Our poll ran both before and after the IOC postponed the 2020 Olympics. Nearly half of voters supported postponement over cancellation or ‘wait-and-see’.


DOSB kritisiert IOC und empfiehlt Verlegung der Olympischen Spiele 2020

Kritisch äußerte sich DOSB Präsident Alfons Hörmann über die Entscheidung des IOC (International Olympic Committee), erst in 4 Wochen eine…

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Canada Dichiara Che Non Parteciperà Alle Olimpiadi Estive

Il Canada diventa la prima nazione a boicottare le Olimpiadi estive del 2020. Chiede al CIO il rinvio di un anno e dichiara che non manderà atleti

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Gregorio Paltrinieri Continues To Train, But IOC “Must Decide Soon”

Italian Olympic champion wants “prompt responses” from the IOC regarding the future of the Olympic Games amid the COVID-19 pandemic.

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Tokio 2020 Organisationskomitee denkt über Verschiebung der Spiele nach

James Sutherland veröffentlichte die englische Version. Die Organisatoren der Olympischen Spiele 2020 haben begonnen, mögliche Alternativen zur Durchführung der Sommerspiele…

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German Swimming Icon Michael Groß demands a postponement of the 2020 Olympics

3-time Olympic gold medalist Michael Gross has spoken up in favor of postponing the 2020 Olympics.


IOC Chef Thomas Bach hält Olympia “Absage für die am wenigsten faire Lösung”

In einem Interview mit dem Südwestdeutschen Rundfunk am heutigen Tage sagte IOC Präsident Dr. Thomas Bach zu dem immer größer…

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IOC Chair Kirsty Coventry: “Athletes Want The Olympic Games To Continue”

Kirsty Coventry, IOC Athletes Committee Chair, gave the details pertaining to a call that took place yesterday. She says athletes want the Olympics in July.


IOC to Discuss 2020 Olympics and Qualifiers with Int’l Federations on Tuesday

IOC president Thomas Bach has convened a conference call with international federations on Tuesday, March 17th to discuss the 2020 Olympic Games.


Membro Dell’IOC Afferma Che Entro Maggio Si Decide Su Olimpiadi

Membro dell’IOC Dick Pound, ha detto che a Maggio si deciderà sulle Olimpiadi. Per ora il programma è invariato ed invita gli atleti a non preoccuparsi

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IOC Sanctions One Athlete For Failing Anti-doping Tests At London 2012

Klodiana Shala, 40, of Albania, competing in the Women’s 200m Athletics event, has been sanctioned.

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IOC Athletes’ Commission Releases Rule 50 Guidelines On Podium & Other Protests

The IOC Athletes Commission released guidelines pertaining to Rule 50 of the charter in order to avoid protests, political or otherwise, at the 2020 Olympics.


IOC President Pledges $10 Million To Four-Part Anti-Doping Action Plan

International Olympic Committee President Thomas Bach has announced a $10 million action plan against doping, broken into four parts.

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IOC Talks Around Transgender Athlete Guidelines for 2020 Reportedly Stall

The IOC’s plans to update its transgender athlete policies before Tokyo 2020 have reportedly come to a halt, according to The Guardian.