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International Swimming League

ISL To Introduce ‘Jackpot Times’ – Point Stealing For Blowout Wins

The 2020-2021 International Swimming League season will introduce “jackpot times” that allow teams to steal points for winning a race by a wide margin.


Los Toronto Titans De La ISL Filtran Su Plantilla Inaugural Para 2020

Escasos detalles se han filtrado sobre la segunda temporada de la liga hasta el momento dadas las preocupaciones actuales sobre el COVID-19.

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Madrid Natación Club: Nace Una Nueva Franquicia

“De cara a la temporada que viene tendremos los recursos suficientes para llevar a cabo el desempeño del club,” comentaba el grupo de deportistas.

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Sarah Sjostrom, La Relativa Normalità Guardando Ai Giochi 2021

Sarah Sjostrom racconta dei programmi per il futuro, della ISL e di come in Svezia ha continuato ad allenarsi nonostante la pandemia

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Madrid Natacion Club: A New Franchise Is Born

“Nationally, we have a lot of ambition, and of course, getting to win the Spanish Cup in the honors division would be our dream,” the team indicated.

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International Swimming League Lancia ISL.TV Per La Diretta Delle Gare

L’International Swimming League lancerà quest’estate la propria piattaforma direct-to-consumer (DTC) chiamata Il servizio (OTT) fornirà la diretta

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ISL will ein Solidaritätsprogramm für Athleten starten

Die International Swimming League (ISL) hat heute die Einführung eines so genannten “Solidaritätsprogramms” für Athleten angekündigt, das am 1. September…

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ISL Set To Launch ‘Solidarity Programme’ For Athletes

The new programme will feature a financial grant for athletes in the run up to the Olympics next year and a tournament to be held in September 2020


ISL Lancia IL Programma Di Solidarietà Per Gli Atleti

ISL lancia l’iniziativa “programma di solidarietà per gli atleti”. Agli atleti ISL verrà corrisposta una somma mensile fino a Luglio 2021.

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Grigorishin : Faremo Gli Accorgimenti Necessari In Caso Di Rinvio Tokyo

Konstantin Grigorishin esprime solidarietà agli atleti in difficoltà e dichiara che la stagione 2 ISL si adatterà in caso di rinvio delle olimpiadi

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ISL 2020-2021: Kylie Masse, Primera Confirmada Para Los Toronto Titans

Kylie Masse es el primer fichaje oficial de la franquicia canadiense para la próxima temporada de la International Swimming League (ISL).

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Energy Standard Albergará En París El Encuentro Inaugural De La ISL 2020-2021

Los vencedores de la temporada inaugural de la ISL, Energy Standard, serán los encargados de dar el pistoletazo de salida a la nueva temporada desde París.

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Toronto Titans Announce World Champion Kylie Masse As First Signing

Kylie Masse is the first official signing of the Toronto Titans, one of two new franchises joining the International Swimming League for its second season.


FINA Ratifica I World Record ISL Mentre Ci Sono Nuove Accuse

La FINA, ha ratificato i record mondiali stabiliti durante la stagione inaugurale della International Swimming League mentre prosegue la causa

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ISL Amends FINA Lawsuit to Add Copycat Charges

A pair of lawsuits filed by the International Swimming League against FINA will continue to move forward on the heels of the ISL’s inaugural season.