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Haley Anderson

Cali Condors Update: Anderson Nabs Distance Free Spot Amid Loss of Titmus

The latest in a string of recent additions, 2012 Olympic silver medalist Haley Anderson has been added to the Cali Condors’ 2020 ISL roster.


USA Swimming Annuncia La Squadra Nazionale Ed I Criteri Di Selezione

USA Swimming ha annunciato i componenti della squadra nazionale della stagione 2020/2021 ed i nuovi criteri di selezione. I vantaggi di essere in nazionale

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USA Swimming Announces 2020-2021 National Team With New Qualifying Criteria

Michael Andrew leads all swimmers with five national team events, including one in each stroke. He joins the 115-person National Team roster.


Olympic Trials Standards To Remain Intact; U.S. Olympic Coaches Reconfirmed

The time standards for the 2021 Olympic Trials will remain intact, at least through December 31, with the possibility of getting faster after that date.


Low Tide Levels Could Signal Re-Location for Tokyo 2021 Open Water Competition

The tide level in Odaiba Seaside Park is expected to be too shallow for competition by August 2021, pointing towards a potential open water location change.


BSN Sports Swim Team of the Week: Sierra Marlins Swim Team

This week’s BSN Sports Swim Team of the Week the Sierra Marlins Swim Team in the Sacramento area of California, a USA Swimming Gold Medal Club.

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Roadmaps 2.0 – Mapping International Swim Stars: Women’s 800 Free

In 2020, there are four 19&U women who are torching up the 800 free scene. Find out to see if they have what it takes to catch sensation Katie Ledecky.


Atleti Qualificati Per Tokyo 2020 Rimangono Tali Anche Nel 2021

atleti qualificati per le Olimpiadi di Tokyo 2020 rimangono tali anche per i Giochi 2021, ma i comitati nazionali potrebbero agire diversamente

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Open Water Olympic Qualifiers from 2019 Worlds Will Remain Qualified for Tokyo

Open water Olympic qualifiers from the 2019 FINA World Championships will remain qualified for the postponed Tokyo Games, the IOC confirmed.

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Swimmers Sent Home as US Olympic Training Center Shut Down by State Order

A large group of US-based swimmers are heading home after the Olympic Training Center was shut down by state order, SwimSwam has learned.


Tokyo 2020: Iniziate Le Attività Per Migliorare Le Acque Libere

Le Olimpiadi di Tokyo 2020 si avvicinano. Si inizia finalmente a lavorare per migliorare la qualità dell’acqua in una delle sedi dei Giochi Olimpici.

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Water Cleanup Tasks Begin At Odaiba Marine Park Ahead Of Next Summer’s Games

Tokyo officials say an estimated 720 tons of sand were dumped into Odaiba’s water, and plan to pour a total of 19,800 tons by the end of March.


Haley Anderson Preoccupata Per Situazione Acque Libere Tokyo 2020

Haley Anderson ha recentemente affrontato il tema acque libere alle Olimpiadi di Tokyo e dice di essere preoccupata per la salute degli atleti

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Haley Anderson Says Tokyo Open Water Condition Concerns Have ‘Gone Unheard’

In a Q&A hosted by NBC Olympics on reddit, Olympian Haley Anderson addressed a question regarding open water conditions for the upcoming Tokyo Games. 


Watch: Australian OW Champions Talk About Their Races, Prep for Tokyo (Video)

We’ve posted videos of interviews with some of the champions from this weekend on our YouTube channel.

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