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Grant Hackett

Gregorio Paltrinieri E’ Il Secondo Performer All Time 1500 Stile

Il tempo nuotato da Gregorio Paltrinieri nei 1500 è il secondo all time, dietro solo il record del mondo di Sun Yang, Le due gare a confronto

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Katie Ledecky E’ La Prima A Vincere 5 Ori Consecutivi Nella Stessa Gara

Katie Ledecky, con l’oro negli 800 è diventata la prima nuotatrice ad aver vinto cinque titoli mondiali consecutivi nello stesso evento

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Katie Ledecky Becomes First Swimmer To Win Five Straight World Titles In An Event

Ledecky obliterated the field in this event at the 2022 World Championships, putting up a time of 8:08.04 to win by 10.73 seconds.


5 Ottimi Motivi Per Seguire I Mondiali Di Budapest (Gare Maschili)

I primi Mondiali in vasca lunga dall’estate del 2019 vedranno la presenza di grandi star del nuoto. Ecco 5 motivi per seguire i Mondiali

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Top Five Storylines of the 2022 World Championships – Men’s Edition

Caeleb Dressel has his eyes on eight medals and a repeat of four World titles next week in Budapest.


2022 World Champs Previews: Brits Trying To Hold Onto 4×200 Title

With Matt Richards being off his best times and Duncan Scott being diagnosed with Covid, can the Brits still repeat their Tokyo win in the 4×200?


Do Host Countries Do Well At The Olympics? Not So Much

While history shows that host nations typically do well at the Games, their performance in the swimming pool does not follow suit.


Kyle Chalmers Plays In ‘Footy’ Game Just Weeks Out From World Championships

23-year-old multi-Olympic medalist Kyle Chalmers of Australia took on another sport in the lead up to the 2022 FINA World Aquatics Championships.


Trials Australiani 2022: Diretta Ed Orari Gare, Link Utili E Anteprima

I Campionati australiani 2022 prenderanno il via domani all’ Oaklands Park, nell’Australia meridionale. La nostra guida all’evento

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I Nuotatori Con Maggior Numero Di Ori Mondiali Nella Stessa Gara

A tre mesi dai Mondiali di Budapest 2022 vediamo la classifica dei nuotatori che hanno vinto più volte la stessa gara ad un mondiale

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Swimmers With The Most Wins In A Single Event At The World Championships

Katinka Hosszu sits tied atop the list with Michael Phelps, with both having won the same event five times at the LC World Championships.


Ledecky E’ La Nuotatrice Con Più Anni Al Numero 1 Del Ranking Mondiale

Vi mostriamo chi sono i nuotatori e le nuotatrice con il maggior numero di anni consecutivi al numero uno del ranking mondiale

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Swimmers That Ended 2021 With The Most Consecutive Years As World #1

Katie Ledecky has ranked first in the women’s 800 freestyle worldwide for 10 straight years.


Florian Wellbrock Smashes 1500 Free World Record In 14:06.88

Wellbrock broke Gregorio Paltrinieri’s 2015 world record of 14:08.06 by over a second in 14:06.88, winning gold by more than four seconds.


Tunisia’s Ahmed Hafnaoui Breaks Mellouli’s African 800, 1500 Records

Tunisia’s Ahmed Hafnaoui smashed countrymate Ous Mellouli’s African Record in the 800 and 1500 in tonight’s 1500 final in Abu Dhabi.