Changing Attitudes, Changing Environments: The Journey to a New Club
Recently I made the decision to switch swim clubs. This was a very difficult process for me, and I don’t wish to dwell on it very much.
SwimSwam’s Official Swim Camp Survival Guide: 7 Steps to a Sweet Summer
Swim camp can be a lot of fun, if you’re prepared. Read Gavin Cooley’s 7 tips for having a good time at this summer’s swim camp.
The Fear of Swimming Failure
What’s holding you back in your charge to meet your swimming goals?
4 Ways to Prepare for a Swim Meet
Being ready to do your best is no simple task, but with these tips you can prepare yourself mentally and physically.
The Secret to being a Great Swimmer
The key to success is known by many, but applied by few.
5 Misconceptions of Gold Medal Clubs and the Truth
Swimming for a gold medal club is tough. Here are five misconceptions about gold medal clubs that always win the state meet.