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Gabriele Detti

57° Trofeo Settecolli: Stasera In Gara Anche Paltrinieri-Anteprima Day 2

57° Trofeo Settecolli: il secondo giorno di gare vedrà in acqua anche il campione olimpico Gregorio Paltrinieri, che gareggerà negli 800 stile

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El Campeonato Italiano inicia con récord de Gabriele Detti en los 400 libre

El medallista olímpico y mundial es el atleta más destacado en la primera jornada del Trofeo Settecolli, que marca el regreso de la competición en Italia.

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2020 Sette Colli Trophy: Day 1 Finals Live Recap

World champion Simona Quadarella is just one of the elite Italian swimmers ready to rumble in Rome at this year’s Sette Colli Trophy.


Trofeo Settecolli Day 1: Detti, Di Pietro Super – I Risultati Completi

Trofeo Settecolli Day1: Il report delle gare del primo giorno. Gabriele Detti, Silvia Di Pietro eMartina Caramignoli si mostrano in splendida forma

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Trofeo Settecolli Day1: Stasera Il Ritorno Dei Campioni Azzurri

Trofeo Settecolli: questa sera tornano in vasca gli atleti della nazionale italiana per dar vita alla prima grande manifestazione di nuoto del 2020

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Italian Elite Getting Ready For 57th Sette Colli Trophy

We have a listing of the key Italian swimmers ready to race at the 57th edition of the storied Sette Colli Trophy in Rome.


57° Trofeo Settecolli: I 34 Convocati Nella Nazionale Italiana

57° Trofeo Settecolli Frecciarossa. La Nazionale Italiana sarà composta da 34 atleti, 22 maschi e 12 femmine. A partire dalle 19:00 la diretta su Rai Sport

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The Olympics That Would Have Been: Dressel, Chalmers Have Epic Day 5 Showdown

In a rematch of their clash at the 2019 World Championships, Caeleb Dressel and Kyle Chalmers square off in the final of the men’s 100 free on Day 5 in Tokyo.


The Olympics That Would Have Been: Seto Leads Strong Start For Japan On Day 1

In a parallel universe where COVID-19 hasn’t drastically changed the world around us, the opening day of the Tokyo Olympic swimming program is underway.


Gregorio Paltrinieri Leaves Coach Morini; Signals Shift in Focus to Open Water

Paltrinieri (left) has trained with coach Stefano Morini (right) for 9 years, since he was 16. He’ll now leave to join the country’s top open water coach.


Italian Olympic Gold Medalist Paltrinieri Back Into The Water In Rome

Italian olympic gold medalist Gregorio Paltrinieri back into the water in outdoor pool in Rome during “phase 2” of quarantine

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Riapre Anche Ostia. Allenamento All’Aperto Per Greg & Co.

Il Centro Federale di Ostia ha riaperto le porte al gruppo di atleti allenato da Stefano Morini. Paltrinieri & Co. si tuffano ella piscina all’aperto

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Bygones Of 2020 Olympic Trials: Italian Championships Edition

Federica Pellegrini was set to follow-up her 2019 world title in the 200m free with potentially another head-turner at the nixed Italian Spring Championships.


Elite Team Arena: Reazioni Sul Rinvio Dei Giochi Olimpici Al 2021

Alcuni Atleti dell’ elite team arena si esprimono in merito al rinvio dei Giochi Olimpici di Tokyo che li avrebbero visti tra i protagonisti in gara

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Gregorio Paltrinieri Continues To Train, But IOC “Must Decide Soon”

Italian Olympic champion wants “prompt responses” from the IOC regarding the future of the Olympic Games amid the COVID-19 pandemic.

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