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La FINA persiste et signe : sa série de meetings se tiendra à Hangzhou, Budapest, et Indianapolis

Guangzhou, Budapest et Indianapolis devraient accueillir la série de meetings dits Champions Swim Series de la FINA.

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FINA Champions Swim Series: Chupkov Ci Sarà, L’Australia In Dubbio

La nuova FINA Champions Swim Series partirà a breve ed arrivano le prime indiscrezioni sui possibili atleti partecipanti. Il primo…

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La FINA amorce la marche arrière, mais ISL ne lâche pas le morceau

La FINA est-elle en train de louvoyer dans l’affaire qui l’oppose à la jeune Ligue de Natation (ISL) qui a réussi à s’associer et à faire lever la révolte d’un nombre important des meilleurs nageurs du monde alliés à ce nouvel organisateur indépendant ?

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WSCA: FINA Champions Series Format ‘Invites PEDs Into Our Sport’

The World Swimming Coaches Association released a statement Monday formally opposing the newly-announced FINA Champions Swim Series, citing the stress…


FINA Champions Series 2019: calendario, sedes y 82 atletas invitados

La FINA ha revelado todos los detalles sobre la FINA Champions Swim Series 2019, su nueva competición. Se celebrará esta primavera en 3 etapas, en ciudades que ya han sido anunciadas. También conocemos las fechas y que 82 atletas ya han sido invitados a participar.

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FINA Invita 82 Atleti Alla Champions Swim Series Ed Annuncia Le Date

La nuova FINA Champions Swim Series inizia ad avere i contorni più delineati. Dopo l’annuncio ad Hangzhou, tutto sembra pronto…

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Calendar Revealed, Athletes Invited for 2019 FINA Champions Series

The FINA series, which seems to be a direct response to the ISL series, will run in late spring 2019 and have a ton of prize money on the line.


FINA da marcha atrás: los nadadores no serán sancionados

La decisión de la FINA expresada en un comunicado oficial revierte 30 años de legislación interna y es vista como una victoria por los atletas

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Il Nuoto D’Elite Svolta. Quali Saranno I Benefici?

Le opinioni espresse in questo editoriale appartengono all’autrice e non necessariamente riflettono il pensiero di Swimswam. Negli ultimi mesi si…

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FINA Cede: Non Squalificherà Atleti Che Competono In Eventi Non FINA

La FINA sembra avere ceduto. Oggi pomeriggio si è svolta una riunione in videoconferenza promossa da Leigh Russell, CEO di Swimming…

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Swimming Australia CEO Seeks FINA, ISL Compromise To Avoid OLY Bans

In light of the fact that the idea of Olympic bans for athletes who compete in ISL events this year is still lurking in the air, Swimming Australia Chief Executive Leigh Russell is initiating talks to try to avoid devastation in 2020.

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Pour ISL, Sarah Sjöström gagnerait 15 fois plus dans leur concept qu’en remportant la Coupe du monde FINA

« Nous méritions mieux en termes d’argent. Après tout, la natation est le sport le plus pratiqué au monde. »

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Mondiali FINA Gwangju 2019-Date, Programma e Prevendita Biglietti

CAMPIONATI MONDIALI FINA 2019 21/28 Luglio 2019 – nuoto Gwangju, Corea sito web dell’evento Programma gare nuoto Mancano sei mesi…

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Fraser-Holmes Excluded From ISL Due To Missing Whereabouts Suspension

27-year-old Thomas Fraser-Holmes of Australia has learned he will be excluded from the new International Swim League (ISL) due to its zero tolerance on doping.


Quelques réflexions sur l’avenir d’une révolte de nageurs

En annonçant une série de grandes compétitions qui ne sont qu’une mauvaise photocopie du projet de l’International Swimming League, la Fédération Internationale de Natation va-t-elle à l’échec ?

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