Eight Women Highlight Brazil’s 13-Member Roster For 2024 World Championships In Doha
2023 World Championship finalist Beatriz Dizotti highlights a group of eight women who will represent Brazil at the 2024 World Championships in Doha.
Guilherme Da Costa Record E Qualifica Per Doha Nei 200 Stile Libero
Il quarto giorno dei Campionati Brasiliani di Nuoto/Trofeo Jose Finkel 2023 ha visto un altro nuotatore qualificarsi per Doha 2024
Guilherme Da Costa Beats Fernando Scheffer For 200 Free Gold At Jose Finkel
Guilherme Da Costa got it done for gold ahead of Olympic medalist Fernando Scheffer in the men’s 200m free at the 2023 Jose Finkel Trophy.
Campionati Brasiliani Day 3: Gabrielle Assis Si Qualifica Per I Mondiali
La terza giornata dei Campionati Brasiliani di Nuoto/Jose Finkel 2023 ha visto un’altra atleta realizzare il tempo richiesto per Doha
Gabrielle Assis Snares Doha-Worthy Result In 200 Breast At Jose Finkel
Through day three of the 2023 Brazilian Championships/Jose Finkel Trophy, a fourth swimmer was added to the World Championships roster.
2023 Jose Finkel Day 2 Recap: No New Worlds Qualifiers
Leonardo Santos won the men’s 200m IM on night two of the 2023 Jose Finkel Trophy, a 2024 World Championships qualifying competition.
Campionati Brasile: Nessun Qualificato Per Doha Nel Day 2
Nella seconda giornata dei Campionati brasiliani nessun nuotatore ha realizzato il tempo di qualificazione per Doha. Recap finali day2
Bruno Fratus Torna A Gareggiare Al Trofeo Jose Finkel-Iscritti
I Campionati Brasiliani di Nuoto/Trofeo Jose Finkel 2023 prenderanno il via domani, martedì 31 ottobre, da San Paolo, Brasile.
2023 Pan American Games: Day 2 Finals Live Recap
Kelly Pash (58.34) will have to hold off Texas teammate Olivia Bray (58.84) and Olympic champion Maggie MacNeil (59.73) in Sunday’s 100-meter butterfly final.
2023 Pan American Games: Day 2 Prelims Live Recap
The Tokyo 200 free bronze medalist, Brazil’s Fernando Scheffer, will look to defend his title from 2019 by claiming the top spot in this morning’s prelims.
Fernando Scheffer, abanderado de Brasil en los Juegos Panamericanos
El nadador, medallista olímpico, encabezará a su delegación en la Ceremonia de Apertura de Santiago 2023 el próximo viernes. Los detalles.
Pan-Am Games: Some Facts and Figures
US Olympic Gold Medalist Brooks Curry is one of six US Toyko Olympians who will don the Stars and Stripes and compete in Santiago for the 19th Pan-Am Games.
Fukuoka 2023, Day 2 South America Recap: Ceballos Cracks SA Record with 1:06.69 100 BR
The biggest swim of the day came from Argentina’s Macarena Ceballos, who broke the South American Record in the women’s 100 breast. More on that below.
Anteprime Mondiali Nuoto: Le Giovani Stelle Splendono Nei 200 Stile Maschili
Prepariamoci a vivere sette giorni di nuoto di altissimo livello ai Campionati del Mondo di nuoto 2023 conoscendo i protagonisti
2023 World Champs Previews: Young Stars Take Center Stage In Men’s 200 Free
David Popovici is the favorite for gold in the men’s 200 free, but behind him there’s a tight race brewing not only for a medal but just to make the final.