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Fatima Alkaramova

Campionati Europei Belgrado 2024: Analisi E Risultati Batterie Day 5

Siamo alla quinta giornata di Campionati Europei a Belgrado. Stamattina in gara Kristof Milak nei 200 farfalla e Anastasia Gorbenko nei 200 misti.

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ASIA: All of Kazakhstan Will Be Drinking Tonight

Dmitriy Balandin of Kazakhstan was asked how he thought his home country would celebrate, he gave a very honest answer, “I think all of Kazakhstan will be drinking tonight.”


Steins Sets 50 Backstroke Record Twice in One Day at Latvian National Champs

Kristina Steins ended her run at the Latvian National Championships by breaking the women’s 50 backstroke national record twice in one day…

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