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Fabian Schwingenschloegl


Australia’s Kyle Chalmers, after a record-setting 100 free on Friday, led the way in 50 fly prelims in Doha with a 22.83.


World Cup: McKeon PB Nei 50 Stile-Toussaint WC Record 50 Dorso

Le finali del day1 di World Cup hanno visto molti risultati interessanti. Kira Toussaint WC record nei 50 dorso, McKeon PB 50 stile

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Olympia 2020: Final-/Halbfinalchancen von Heidtmann, Schwingenschlögl, Märtens

Olympische Spiele 2020 in Tokio Beckenschwimmen, Samstag 24.07.2021 bis Sonntag 1.8.2021 Freiwasserschwimmen, Mittwoch 4.8.2021 bis Donnerstag 5.8.2021 Olympic Aquatics Centre,…

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Il Roster Olimpico Della Germania Si Arricchisce Dopo Il Day1 Trials

Il roster olimpico della Germania si è arricchito già dopo il primo giorno dei Trials, in corso a Berlino. Aggiornamento sui qualificati

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Day 1 Berlin: Gose, Bruhn, Märtens, Matzerath cracked German Olympic standards

2021 GERMAN OLYMPIC TRIALS – BERLIN Friday, April 16th – Sunday, April 18th Friday/Saturday: Prelims at 10am local/Finals at 7pm…


Qualificazioni Olimpiche Germania: Recap Live Finali Day 1

La prima sera di finali è iniziata a Berlino dove si lotta per conquistare un posto per Tokyo. Il nostro recap live delle finali

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Germania Giorno 1 Dei Trials Atleti Vicini Alla Qualifica Nelle Batterie

In Germania sono iniziati a Berlino i Trials di qualificazione olimpica, ultima opportunità per essere convocati in squadra per i Giochi

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Matzerath Hits PR 59.63 in 100 BR, Goes Under OLY Cut at German Trials Heats

Matzerath sliced a tenth off of his old best, and went under the Olympic cut by over a tenth, as the men’s 100 breast final will be a major race tonight.


Olympic Trials In Germania A Partire Da Domani Link Utili E Anteprima

Olympic Trials anche in Germania a partire da domani e fino a domenica i nuotatori tedeschi si contenderanno il posto per i Giochi

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German Olympic Hopefuls Eye Final Qualification Meet in Berlin This Week

Jacob Heidtmann is entered in the 200 IM, 400 IM, 100 free and 200 free this week in Berlin at the last German Olympic qualifier.


Kromo Scorches 53.13, Kamminga Clocks 58.68 In Eindhoven

Ranomi Kromwidjojo put up her best 100m free time of the season tonight in Eindhoven following her 50m free victory from yesterday.

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Kamminga Lowers Own Dutch 50 Breast Record In Eindhoven

Breaststroking ace Arno Kamminga of the Netherlands made no qualms about announcing his presence tonight at the Eindhoven Qualification Meet. 

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Thomasberger and Schwingenschloegl cracked German Olympic Standards

David Thomasberger knocked a quarter-of-a-second off the old 200 fly record on Saturday in Heidelberg, Germany at a major Olympic qualification event.

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Road to Tokyo: Wer knackt Normzeiten bei Olympiaqualifikation in Heidelberg?

Olympiaqualifikation in Heidelberg am 3.und 4. April Veranstalter: SV Nikar Heidelberg OSP Heidelberg (keine Zuschauer erlaubt) 50 m Bahn FINA…

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Zoe Vogelmann stellt neuen Altersklassenrekord auf

OSP-Einladungswettkampf des SV Nikar Heidelberg 12. bis 14.03.2021 Heidelberg (ohne Zuschauer) Meldeergebnis Protokoll 12.03. Insgesamt sind beim OSP-Einladungswettkampf des SV…

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