FINA Swim Series: Detti Vince I 400 Su Rapsys-Podio Per Panziera-Codia-Scozzoli
FINA CHAMPIONS SWIM SERIES 2019 – INDIANAPOLIS 31 Maggio – 01 Giugno (In Italia 0re 01:00 1 Giugno/ ore 01:00…
2019 FINA Champions Swim Series- Indianapolis: Day 2 Live Recap
The FINA Champions Swim Series will come to a close with day 2 of the Indianapolis stop.
FINA Champions Swim Series 2019 à Indianapolis – Résumé Jour 1
Résumé live de la première journée de l’étape n°3 de la FINA Champions Swim Series à Indianapolis, Etats-Unis
Indianapolis Day1-King Domina La Rana-Sjostrom #1 Al Mondo 100Fa-Detti Terzo
FINA CHAMPIONS SWIM SERIES 2019 – INDIANAPOLIS 31 Maggio – 01 Giugno (In Italia 0re 01:00 1 Giugno/ ore 01:00…
Swim Series Indianapolis: Margherita Panziera Batte Katinka Hosszu 2-0
FINA CHAMPIONS SWIM SERIES 2019 – INDIANAPOLIS 31 Maggio – 01 Giugno (In Italia 0re 01:00 1 Giugno/ ore 01:00…
2019 FINA Champions Swim Series – Indianapolis: Day 1 Live Recap
Lilly King will contest the women’s 50 and 200 breast on day one of the FINA Champions Series in Indianapolis.
Resultados día 1 – FINA Champions Swim Series Indianápolis
Arrancó la FINA Champions Swim Series en Indianápolis, donde Sarah Sjostrom, Chase Kalisz y Lilly King dominaron la primera jornada con 2 victorias cada uno. El esperado duelo entre King y la rusa Yulia Efimova se decantó del lado de la estadounidense.
Russia Announces Mare Nostrum Rosters, Efimova & Prigoda to Attend All 3 Stops
7 athletes are set to be at all 3 stops on the tour.
Sarah Sjostrom ganó 53,000$ en Budapest y lidera la tabla de premios
La campeona olímpica Sarah Sjostrom fue la nadadora que más dinero ganó en la etapa de Budapest de la FINA Champions Swim Series. La siguieron Katinka Hosszu y Yulia Efimova, con 38,000$ y 32,000$, respectivamente.
FINA Champions Swim Series 2019 à Budapest – Résumé jour 2
Résumé live de la deuxième journée de l’étape n°2 de la FINA Champions Swim Series à Budapest, Hongrie
Premi Monetari Swim Series Budapest: Sjostrom Guida Classifica Con 50.000 $
FINA CHAMPIONS SWIM SERIES 2019 #2 – BUDAPEST 11-12 Maggio 2019 Budapest, Ungheria Vasca Lunga (50m) Sabato ore 19:30 Cerimonia…
2019 FINA Champions Swim Series – Budapest: Day 2 Money Table
With 5 individual gold medals and a relay silver, Sweden’s Sarah Sjostrom dominated the earnings table at the second stop of the FINA Champions Swim Series in Budapest.
Pellegrini Seconda Nei 200SL-Sjostrom E Hosszu Tre Vittorie In 3 Finali
FINA CHAMPIONS SWIM SERIES 2019 #2 – BUDAPEST 11-12 Maggio 2019 Budapest, Ungheria Vasca Lunga (50m) Sabato ore 19:30 Cerimonia…
2019 FINA Champions Swim Series – Budapest: Day 2 Live Recap
In one of the most highly anticipated races of the night, Federica Pellegrini will compete in the 200 free against the likes of Sarah Sjöström.
2019 FINA Champions Swim Series – Budapest: Day 1 Live Recap
Katinka Hosszu headlines the action at the second FINA Champions Series stop in Budapest.