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Emily Escobedo

Lilly King Nuota Il Personale Nei 200 Rana Si Conferma Sesta All Time

Lilly King migliora il suo personale nei 200 metri rana alla International Swimming League conservando la sesta posizione all time

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Lilly King Improves 200 Breast Best Time To 2:15.80, Escobedo Now #7 All-Time

King dropped 0.24 from her best time, giving her two of history’s 10 fastest swims.


6 Key Points to Watch For in ISL Match 6

Energy Standard and the Toronto Titans are the last teams to enter their 2nd match. Will they show the same improvement from match 1 to 2 as the other teams?


Con sus 2:16.04 en 200 braza, Lilly King asciende al #6 de todos los tiempos

También estableció una nueva marca personal en los 50 braza en el primer partido, dejando el récord estadounidense en 28.86.

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2020 ISL Match 4 – Day 2 Live Recap

The 2nd place NY Breakers are hoping swimmers like Marco Koch will have another big performance in them to keep them ahead of 3rd place Iron.


International Swimming League Match 4 Giorno 2 Recap Live Con Risultati

International Swimming League. Parte da Budapest il giorno 2 del match 4 della seconda stagione, seguite con noi le avvincenti gare

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2020 ISL Match 4 – Day 1 Live Recap

Get ready for match 4 of the ISL, as the Cali Condors, Iron, NY Breakers and DC Trident try to make a dent in the overall league standings.


Lilly King Moves To #6 All-Time After Dominant 2:16.04 200 Breast

King chopped almost a full second off her lifetime best to move up three spots in the all-time rankings.


2020 ISL Match 1 – Day 2 Live Recap

Day 2 of the inaugural weekend of ISL racing in Budapest will kick off at 8PM local time.


Debut auspicioso de Julia Sebastian en la ISL, cerca del récord sudamericano

La nadadora argentina demostró estar a la altura de la Liga con una muy buena marca en los 200 pecho, además de sumar sus primeros puntos para LA Current.

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ISL Depth Charts 2020: New York Breakers Could Benefit From Multi-Stroke Skins

The Breakers still have some issues with relay depth, but Michael Andrew is a weapon across all four strokes in the skin races.


ISL Rosters: Andrew Returns, NY Breakers Bolster Sprints With Ottesen, McEvoy

The NY Breakers struggled for relay depth last year, but an almost-totally revamped roster adds sprinters Cameron McEvoy, Jeanette Ottesen & Matt Richards.

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ISL All-Time Best Swims For Season One (Men’s Events)

A collection of the Top 10 fastest swims in each event from the 1st season of the ISL -We’ve broken it up into men’s swims here; women’s article linked within


Ranking the Most Highly Anticipated 2021 U.S. Olympic Trials Races: #20-11

We know what she can do in backstroke, but what could happen if Regan Smith swims the butterfly events at Trials? It’s something worth getting hyped over.


Emily Escobedo & Ally Howe Will Host Live Q&A on Friday

Emily Escobedo (above) and Ally Howe both live in New York City, which is one of the hardest-hit areas in the country by the coronavirus pandemic.