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Elle Meinholz

5 reasons why college swimming is the best (and why you should pursue it)

Ask any collegiate swimmer about their college swimming experience, and they will tell you they wouldn’t trade it for the world!


4 Reasons why 100 IM should be offered at all swim meets

The 100 IM is a race many swimmers would love to have!


The Man Behind A3 Performance, My Dad – by Elle Meinholz

“My Dad took on an amazing feat, developing his own brand of performance swimwear, A3 Performance.” An article by Elle Meinholz


Arena Pro Swim Santa Clara Day 3 Prelims Photo Vault

We’ve got more to share from our photographer Mike Lewis who’s on the job in Santa Clara making some great…

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The 7 Types of Slackers on every Swim Team

Every swim team has them…the loafers who are undeniably giving 50% max at practice day after day, the sneaky strategists who find a shortcut in every set, the save-ups who manage to leave a killer practice with a ton of energy…you know them as THE SLACKERS!


7 Ways to Cope With Retirement From Competitive Swimming

How to transition to the afterlife of your competitive swimming career. #6 Don’t compare your old swimmer self to your new swammer self.


The 4 Most Common Extracurricular Activities of the Competitive Swimmer

#2 Napping. Olympic Champion Nathan Adrian must know what we’re talking about. Sprinters are fast, but big, strong sprinters love to nap.


4 Reasons Why High School Swimming is Awesome

The high school swimming environment is relaxed, competitive, and a whole lot of fun. It is an incredibly valuable experience that will leave you with so many unforgettable memories. Simply put, high school swimming is awesome.