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Elizabeth Wickham

6 Signs Parents Like Swimming More Than Their Kids

If you’ve watched I, Tonya, you’ve witnessed one of the worst sports parents in history. Tonya Harding’s mom started her with a skating coach way too young, was pushy, plus verbally and physically abusive.


What To Do When Your Swimmer Is Injured

The big meet is coming up and your swimmer has been working hard and is ready. Then something unexpected happens.


5 Tips for Swim Parents on How to Encourage Your Swimmer

I was asked recently by a new swim parent on how to motivate your swimmer. The short answer is that you cannot motivate your child. Motivation comes from within.


2 Questions From New Swim Parents

1- “How do I motivate my child when she’s frustrated and doesn’t see progress—and her friends are getting ribbons?”
2 – “My eight-year-old is talented but she doesn’t love swimming as much as she used to—what should I do?”


3 Tips to Help Swim Parents Deal with the Dreaded Plateau

The plateau for a swimmer can be a scary time. No matter what your swimmer does, he or she doesn’t drop time. Here are three tips to help your swimmer make it through a plateau…


6 Tipps für Schwimmer-Eltern wenn ihr Kind sagt: “Ich hab kein Leben”

Die Amerikanerin Elizabeth Wickham ist eine richtige “Schwimmer-Mutter”: 14 Jahre lang hat sie als Freiwillige im Schwimmverein ihrer Kinder mitgeholfen,…

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Give Your Kids a Gift to Last a Lifetime

Swimming saves lives. How many other sports can say that? According to the USA Swimming Foundation, “drowning is the 2nd leading cause of unintentional injury death, with the highest rates among children ages 1-4.”

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4 Tips For Swim Parents About Sibling Rivalry

Do you know what happens when you have more than one swimmer in the family? One of them is bound to be faster, more talented, or more dedicated and achieve more success than their siblings.


9 Recruiting Tips From SwimSwam Readers

I was talking with a mom on our club team whose swimmer is beginning to look at colleges.


The Swim Parents We Don’t Want To Be

Most swim parents are amazing. They’re encouraging, helpful, and ready to volunteer wherever they’re needed. They are fun to be around and we all like having them in our circle of friends.


Why Isn’t My Swimmer Dropping Time?

“Why isn’t my child dropping as much time as so and so?” I hear that all the time—and I’ve felt those thoughts, too.


6 Things I’ve Learned as a Swim Parent

My kids started swimming with our club team when they were five and seven years old. Looking back, I am not the same swim parent that I was back then—and thank goodness for that!


8 Reasons To Be Thankful For Swimming

It was never our intention to become a swim family, it’s something that just happened throughout the years.


6 Tipps für Schwimmer-Eltern wenn ihr Kind sagt: “Ich hab kein Leben”

Die Amerikanerin Elizabeth Wickham ist eine richtige “Schwimmer-Mutter”: 14 Jahre lang hat sie als Freiwillige im Schwimmverein ihrer Kinder mitgeholfen,…

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8 Things I Miss About My Kids’ Age Group Days

Now that my youngest is swimming in college, I’m nostalgic for my kids’ age group years.