Longhorn Alums Foley, Glass Bring Swimming Culture To Nine Banded Whiskey
Former Longhorn swimmers Sean Foley and Will Glass have used some the skills developed in swimming to successfully run Nine Banded Whiskey in Austin.
How Eddie Reese Became The Most Successful College Coach In Swimming
Reese has built an incredible legacy at the University of Texas, leading the men’s team to unparalleled excellence.
Before the Dynasty: Eddie Reese as the Visionary of Auburn’s Swimming Success
Before Texas, before the 40-straight conference titles and 40-straight NCAA top 10 finishes, Eddie Reese was a part of 2 other dynasty-building eras in college swimming.
SwimSwam Rewind: 30 Years of NCAA Championship Swimming Evolution
Nearly everything has changed in the sport since 1989, other than the fact that Eddie Reese was winning team titles at Texas.
End-of-Season Intrasquad Meets an Option in Wake of NCAA Cancelation
Schools are considering hosting their own end-of-season meets after the NCAA canceled all remaining winter and spring championships.
Capitani On Big 12 Difficulty: “In Some Ways We’re Competing Against Ourselves”
Texas women’s head coach Carol Capitani discussed a number of topics at Tuesday’s press conference including the challenges of competing in the Big 12.
Eddie Reese: Texas Will Take 16 Swimmers and 4 Divers to NCAA Championships
Head coach Eddie Reese held a press conference on Tuesday to discuss coronavirus, the upcoming NCAA Championships, and this summer’s Olympic Games.
How a “Distance Coach” Produces Fast Sprinters
“What got you here won’t get you there” is a common phrase you hear when climbing in your profession. And it’s no different for collegiate swim coaches.
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Joseph Schooling Torna Ad Allenarsi Con Sergio Lopez Per Tokyo 2020
Joseph Schooling, medaglia d’oro olimpica di Singapore, torna ad allenarsi con l’ex allenatore Sergio Lopez per prepararsi alle prossime Olimpiadi
Joseph Schooling Reuniting with Former Coach Sergio Lopez Through Tokyo
According to a report from the Straits Times, the Olympic champion is reuniting with his former coach in Virginia this weekend.
Competitor Coach of the Month: Eddie Reese, Texas
Coach Eddie Reese’s Texas men couldn’t have swum much better at the Minnesota Invite, and they now lead our NCAA Power Ranks.
Swim Coaches Base Podcast Open Vault – Day 5
For the remaining days of 2019, RITTER Sports Performance will be releasing episodes from the vault. These will only be available until the end of the year
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Dolfin Swim of the Week: Jiang Hits Lifetime-Best 100 Fly In Texas Intrasquad
Alvin Jiang (now a Texas Longhorn after a transfer from UNC) hit a lifetime-best 100 fly at Texas’s very-fast Intrasquad meet.
Schooling Opts For Only 200 IM To Test Out Focus On Middle Distance Training
Olympic champion Joseph Schooling is trying a different event on for size at this weekend’s FINA World Cup hosted in his home nation of Singapore.
Transfer Maxime Rooney Will Swim for Texas in 2019-2020 NCAA Season
At the time he announced his move to Texas, it was unclear exactly what Rooney’s NCAA plans were.