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Ed Mildred

Guy Puts Up 51.71 Season-Best 100 Fly At British Invite

James Guy hit a season-best, while Kathleen Dawson and Molly Renshaw also made some noise on day 1 of the British Swimming Invite.


Abbie Wood Diventa La Seconda Inglese All Time Nei 200 Misti

Abbie Wood a Manchester ha chiuso con classe la manifestazione vincendo i 200 misti con 2:09.38 seconda inglese all time nella distanza

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A Manchester Adam Peaty 26.75 Nei 50 Rana Secondo Al Mondo

A Manchester Adam Peaty conquista anche i 50 metri rana con il tempo di 26.75 posizionandosi al secondo posto del ranking mondiale

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Adam Peaty vence en Manchester con 58.82 en 100 braza

El resultado de Peaty arrasó el campo, cuyo siguiente competidor más cercano fue James Wilby, quien tocó la pared en 1:00.15.

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Adam Peaty Protagonista Dei 100 Rana A Manchester Recap Day 1

Adam Peaty ancora protagonista al  Manchester International Swim Meet dove conquista i 100 rana. Il nostro recap completo day 1

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Peaty Puts Up 58.87 100 Breast For Breakfast

Adam Peaty is doing Adam Peaty things already on day 1 of the 2021 Manchester International Swimming Meet in his native England.