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dora molnar

Szabo & Marton Score Wins On Day Two Of 2023 Hungarian SC Nats

Szebasztian Szabo got it done for gold in the men’s 50m freestyle on night two of the 2023 Hungarian Short Course Championships.


Campionati Ungheresi In Corta Al Via Domani: Gli Iscritti

I Campionati Ungheresi di nuoto in vasca corta 2023 prenderanno il via questa settimana, da mercoledì 1 novembre a sabato 4 novembre

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Anteprime Mondiali Nuoto: USA V/S Australia Nella 4×200 Stile Libero

Prepariamoci a vivere sette giorni di nuoto di altissimo livello ai Campionati del Mondo di nuoto 2023 conoscendo i protagonisti

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2023 World Champs Previews: Titmus Puts Aussies In The Driver Seat In Women’s 4×200 FR

The return of Ariarne Titmus gives the Australian women the edge over the defending champion Americans in the 4×200 free relay.


2023 World Champs Previews: Battle of the Last 2 Record Holders in the Women’s 200 Back

The women’s 200 backstroke appears on paper to be one of the least-complicated events of the meet in Fukuoka. But which of the World Record talents will win?


2023 World Champs Previews: Can The Aussies Be Challenged In The Women’s 4×100 FR?

Though Australia is still a big favorite to three-peat in the women’s 4×100 free relay, the Americans could be creeping up upon them.


2023 European Junior Championships: Day Six Finals Live Recap

Bosnia & Herzegovina superstar Lana Pudar will try to complete her trifecta of victories, taking on the 50m fly to wrap up the European Junior Championships.


Campionati Europei Juniores: Analisi E Risultati Live Finali Ultimo Giorno

Si chiuderà stasera l’edizione 2023 dei Campionati Europei Juniores, che si svolge a Belgrado. Analisi e risultati live finali giorno 6

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Lana Pudar On 200 Fly Euro Jr Record: “I’m So Proud Of Myself”

Hear what the stars of the European Junior Championships have to say about their day five performances in Belgrade, Serbia, including BIH’s Luna Pudar.


Italy Enters Final Day Of 2023 European Junior Championships Atop Medal Table

Alessandro Ragaini of Italy helped his nation take gold in the boys’ 4x200m freestyle relay on the penultimate night of competition at 2023 Euro Jrs.


2023 European Junior Championships: Day 5 Finals Live Recap

Turkey’s freestyle ace Merve Tuncel will try to capture her third consecutive 800m freestyle European Junior Championships title on day five in Belgrade.


Campionati Europei Juniores: Analisi E Risultati Live Finali Day5

La quinta giornata dei Campionati Europei Juniores 2023 prevede cinque finali e otto semifinali. Seguite tutti i risultati aggiornando questo articolo.

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2023 European Junior Championships: Day 4 Finals Live Recap

Unlike last night’s finals session, which was heavy on semifinals, tonight’s session features eight finals and just two semifinals


Campionati Europei Juniores: Risultati Live Ed Analisi Finali Day4

Il quarto giorno dei Campionati Europei Juniores 2023 di Belgrado sta per iniziare con molti azzurri in acqua. Analisi e risultati live

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Marina Cacciapuoti Guida I 100 Stile Agli Eurojunior-Batterie Day 4

Il quarto giorno dei Campionati Europei Juniores 2023 è iniziato con le batterie dei 100 stile libero femminili. Analisi e risultati

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