Whitley, Neal, Jones, LeVant, Hinds Advised USA Swimming on BLM Statement
The group advised the organization on its second of two statements amid national calls for change following the murder of George Floyd in May.
Lia Neal E Jacob Pebley Creano La Piattaforma “Swimmers For Change”
Lia Neal, Cullen Jones e Anthony Ervin hanno partecipato a un webinar nell’ambito dell’iniziativa “Swimmers For Change’, piattaforma creata con Pebley
Lia Neal, Cullen Jones & Anthony Ervin Run “Swimmers For Change” Webinar
The initiative aims to provide a platform to raise awareness for the Black Lives Matter movement while combatting systemic racism in the US.
SwimSwam Podcast: David Marsh on How Small Changes Turn to Gold Medals
We sat down with 2016 Olympic head coach David Marsh and picked his brain on how small changes can make huge differences, especially when you want them to
Reece Whitley: Il Silenzio Di Fronte All’Ingiustizia E’ Complicità
Reece Whitley, stella nascente del nuoto americano, lancia un accorato appello attraverso i sui profili social per smuovere le coscienze
Reece Whitley Compels Followers to Take Action in Wake of George Floyd Killing
Whitley urged his followers to take tangible action by donating to relevant causes.
UVA Instagram Connects With Alums & Cullen Jones For Conversations About Race
Virginia’s coaching staff connected with some alumni and former swimmers for some longer-form discussions about race amid growing national protests.
Cullen Jones, Lia Neal, and Other Swimmers Speak Out amid National Protests
Cullen Jones, Lia Neal, Olivia Smoliga, Kelsi Dahli and Hali Flickinger have all joined the calls for change following the killing of George Floyd.
Anthony Ervin: Ink and Water
“I don’t look like Tony, sound like Tony, or even remotely sprint like Tony. But put us both in jammers, caps, and goggles and it’s a different story.”
An Interview With Black Swimming Association Co-Founder Seren Jones
Jones, second from left, swam competitively for 13 years including representing the Long Island Post Pioneers from 2012 to 2016.
Presenting The Swimmer Version Of Monopoly: SwimOpoly
Jarod Arroyo and Vica Dow have created SwimOpoloy, featuring some of the sport’s best athletes in place of properties.
Cullen Jones Wins 100 Free in First Race Since 2018 at Schroeder A+ Meet
35TH ANNUAL SCHROEDER A+ SWIM MEET January 31st-February 2nd, 2020 Walter Schroeder Aquatic Center, Brown Deer, Wisconsin SCY (25y) pool…
Cullen Jones, Isabelle Stadden, Maxine Parker on Tap for Schroeder A+ Meet
35-year old Cullen Jones, a two-time Olympic gold medalist, is scheduled to swim his first race since the spring of 2018 this weekend in Wisconsin.
RITTER Sports Performance to Host SURGE Strength Dryland Clinic
RITTER Sports Performance is hosting the SURGE Strength Dryland Clinic for swim coaches to learn how to improve existing or create a new, dryland program.
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Beisel, Jones to Teach Introductory Swim Lessons to Boston Celtics Players
Five Celtics players, including 7-foot-5 rookie Tacko Fall, are slated to take swim lessons from the Olympic medalists.