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Spagna: Cancellati I Campionati Di Qualificazione Olimpica

La Spagna segue le cancellazioni avvenute nelle ultime ore in tutto il mondo. Cancellati Campionati di nuoto, pallanuoto, nuoto artistico e master

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USA Swimming Cancella Tutti Gli Eventi Dei Prossimi 30 Giorni

USA Swimming cancella tutti gli eventi dei prossimi 30 giorni. Raccomandate le organizzazioni locali di sospendere anche gli eventi formativi

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USA Swimming “Strongly Recommends” Cancelling All Meets Due to Coronavirus

USA Swimming has issued a 30-day cancellation of all hosted events including clinics & workshops, with a “strong recommendation” to cancel all meets as well.


College Club Championships Cancel Due To COVID-19 Concerns

Swim meets at all levels continue to cancel due to the novel 2019 coronavirus. Now the College Club Swimming National Championships have also canceled.


Pennsylvania 2A HS State Meet Postponed, 3A Meet ‘Truncated’ From Coronavirus

Pennsylvania has postponed the second of its high school state swimming & diving meets, the next in a wave of events upended by the novel 2019 coronavirus.


Olympic-Qualifiers Danish Open & Stockholm Open Both Cancelled

The Danish Open, as well as the Swim Open Stockholm, have both been cancelled due to the coronavirus outbreak, leaving two fewer Olympic-qualifying meets.


Qualificazioni Olimpiche E Meeting Cancellati Nel Mondo Per Coronavirus

Meeting prestigiosi, campionati nazionali ed eventi di qualificazione olimpica sospesi o cancellati. Una panoramica sugli effetti del coronavirus

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MIT Out Of D3 NCAA Championships, School Cancels All Spring Sports

MIT won’t be in action at the NCAA Division III Swimming & Diving Championships as they’ve cancelled their participation in all winter championships.


Ivy League Cancels All Spring Sports; Harvard Out of NCAA Swim/Dive

The Ivy League has just announced that they will be cancelling all sporting events that are currently scheduled for the spring of 2020.


COVID-19 Down Under: ‘No Handshake’ Rule In Place For New South Wales C’ships

There are special coronavirus (COVID-19) specific rules in place for this weekend’s New South Wales (NSW) State Open Championships.


King County, Home to Major COVID-19 Outbreak, Cancels Federal Way Sectionals

Pacific Northwest Swimming announced Tuesday that King County, which has the most confirmed COVID-19 cases in the country, canceled the meet.


Update: Complete Nordic Tour Cancelled Due To Coronavirus

Add the Bergen Swim Festival to the seemingly growing list of swimming events being cancelled or postponed due to the coronavirus situation.

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Fina Istituisce Una Taskforce Per Valutare Provvedimenti COVID-19

La FINA ha annunciato l’istituzione di una taskforce COVID-19.Verranno riuniti medici esperti monitorare la diffusione del virus

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FINA Establishes COVID-19 Taskforce

Comprised of leading medical experts, FINA’s taskforce will consider and assess the spread of COVID-19, and its potential impact on upcoming events.

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Update: Nation Of Italy On Travel Lockdown Due to Coronavirus

The impact of the coronavirus (COVID-19) is continually unfolding, with another update coming from the Italian Swimming Federation.