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España: La RFEN Da Por Finalizadas Las Ligas Premaat De Waterpolo

Al igual que a nivel estatal, aún se desconoce el paradero de las ligas europeas, que asimismo se vieron canceladas debido a la epidemia del COVID-19.

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Boglarka Kapas Negativa Al Test Covid-19 Dopo La Quarantena

Boglarka Kapas è risultata negativa al test per il coronavirus e il suo isolamento di 14 giorni è (quasi) finito. Nuovi test oggi

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Pedro Spajari Distribuisce Cibo Alle Famiglie Bisognose In Brasile

Pedro Spajari, velocista brasiliano, distribuisce cibo alle famiglie in “situazioni di vulnerabilità sociale” nel mezzo della pandemia COVID-19.

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I Confini Australiani Potrebbero Riaprirsi Solo Nel 2021

I confini australiani potrebbero riaprirsi soltanto nel 2021. Essendo vietati i viaggi da e per l’estero, ISL dovrebbe trovare nuova location

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Irene Lozano, Presidenta Del CSD, Repasa La Situación En España

“El mundo del deporte se enfrenta a un cambio de paradigma,” dijo la presidenta del Consejo Supeior de Deportes, Irene Lozano.

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Cody Miller Shows His Daily Routine As A Quarantined Swimmer

Cody Miller talks about how he’s getting a pool, his running has improved and Fortnite in an inside look at maintaining his daily routine.

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España Comienza A Levantar El Confinamiento Permitiendo Servicios No Esenciales

Algunos servicios no esenciales han comenzado a cobrar de nuevo la vida un mes tras la entrada en vigor de la orden de confinamiento.

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Mare Nostrum Tour 2020 Cancellato “Ci Vediamo Nel 2021”

Il Mare Nostrum Tour 2020 è stato annullato a causa della pandemia da coronavirus COVID-19. Si passerà direttamente all’edizione 2021.

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Spanish Sports Council President Lozano Addresses Current Situation In Spain

“Our nation will need the world of sport in order to be rebuilt, and we must be at the top of our game,” Spanish Sports Council president Irene Lozano said.

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Spain Begins Lifting Lockdown; Some Non-Essential Services Allowed

Some non-essential services have started coming back to life as the nation neared the one-month-mark since the lockdown order became effective.

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French Swimmer Théo Bussière Finds Positivity In Olympic Postponement

The 25-year-old French breaststroker shared his positivity on the Olympic postponement and how it will impact himself and his teammates.


Coronavirus España: El Consejo Superior De Deportes Se Reunirá El 14 De Abril

Los presidentes de las distintas federaciones deportivas celebrarán una reunión el próximo 14 de abril para evaluar la situación del COVID-19 en España.

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Coronavirus Update: Spanish Sports Council To Evaluate Situation April 14

“We must keep the flame alive as we will have new goals very shortly,” Royal Spanish Swimming Federation President Fernando Carpena said.

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Coronavirus-Positive World Champion Boglarka Kapas Back In The Water

200m fly world champion Boglarka Kapas has found a way to train at home, which is good news for the Hungarian who tested positive for COVID-19.


Asta Oggetti Federica Pellegrini Martedì 14 Aprile Ore 15:30

L’asta organizzata da Federica Pellegrini inizierà martedì’ 14 Aprile alle ore 15:30. 59 cimeli da collezione e Frank Matano come banditore d’eccezione

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