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Olympic Delay Costing IOC Estimated $800 Million

More widespread ripple effects are just beginning to be realized from the Olympic Games’ delay, as costs are mounting related to the historic schedule change.


Ohio Pools Can Reopen On May 26th

There was some good news out of Ohio today, as Governor Mike DeWine proclaimed that the state’s pools are able to reopen on Tuesday, May 26th.


Inghilterra: Piscine Pronte A Riaprire Ma Solo Agli Atleti D’Elite

Piscine pronte a riaprire anche in Inghilterra, dove è pronto un piano per le successive fasi. Per ora potranno riprendere solo gli atleti d’elite

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Alabama Reopens Pools & Gyms With Social Distancing Requirements

Alabama has become the latest state to start loosening coronavirus restrictions, with pools and gyms allowed to re-open under social distancing guidelines.


Many of Austria’s Top Swimmers Returned to Training Several Weeks Ago

Austria has recently allowed top swimmers back to training in pools in the midst of the near-worldwide shut down due to the COVID-19 pandemic. 

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Rowdy Gaines On COVID And The 2021 Olympics: GMM presented by

Three-time Olympic Champion and NBC Sports Voice of Swimming, Rowdy Gaines, drops in on this Gold Medal Minute takeover of the SwimSwam Podcast.


Asian Games In Programma A Novembre 2020 Rinviati Al 2021

Gli Asian Games del 2020 rappresentano l’ultimo prestigioso evento internazionale rinviato sulla scia del posticipo delle Olimpiadi di Tokyo.

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Spanish Sports Ministry Annouces Reincorporation Process Comprised Of 4 Phases

Spanish athletes recognized as “professional” by their National Governing Bodies are allowed to train anytime during the day.

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Spain’s RFEN Asks National Government To Reopen Pools

The Spanish Government detailed the new measures as applied to areas associated with the economic activity during Phase 1 in the de-escalation process.

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Australian Swimmers Set To Make Return To Pool After COVID-19 Shutdown

The Australian Institute of Sport has released documents discussing the relaunch of sports in the country, while some athletes have already enjoyed pool time.


SwimSwam Pulse: 68% Believe Tokyo Olympics Will Go On In 2021

More than two-thirds of voters are still optimistic that the Tokyo Olympics will go on in 2021 without a cancellation, despite concern from some officials.

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Ryan Lochte Says His 99-Year-Old Grandmother Survived COVID-19

Olympic swimmer Ryan Lochte says his 99-year-old grandmother survived COVID-19, according to a post on the swimming icon’s Instagram.


Linee Guida Aggiornate Per Apertura Piscine A Tutti Gli Utenti

Le Linee Guida per la riapertura delle piscine sono state aggiornate dalla Federazione Italiana Nuoto recependo le prescrizioni governative

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Arena Con La Croce Rossa Italiana: Le Donazioni Attraverso L’E-Commerce

Arena con la Croce Rossa Italiana. sul sito e-commerce di arena ogni consumatore può donare 1 euro alla CRI, l’azienda ne donerà 1 altro

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Riparte Nuoto Professionistico. Centri Sportivi Al Via Da Fine Maggio

I centri sportivi potranno riaprire al pubblico a partire dalla fine di Maggio. Riprendono gli allenamenti d’elite in varie parti d’Italia

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