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Rhode Island Reopens Pools With 15-Person Limit As of June 1

Rhode Island has reopened aquatic facilities after pandemic closures – spurred on in part due to a need for water safety after an April drowning.


España: La RFEN Actualiza Sus Recomendaciones De Cara A La Vuelta Al Agua

El límite establecido por el Ministerio de Sanidad de España equivale al 30% de la instalación así como la capacidad de la piscina.

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Column: A Guide To Coping With Post-COVID Return To The Pool

While COVID-19 may have brought the world of swimming to a stall, I am confident that we will make it through this and soon return to our happy place.

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Spain’s RFEN Updates Last May’s Guidelines As Pools Reopen For Training

As Spanish pools are now allowed to reopen, they will have to adhere to the guidelines established by the nation’s Health Ministry.

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La RFEN Cancela Todas Las Competiciones Estatales Hasta la Próxima Temporada

El informe publicado por la RFEN además resalta la cancelación de las competiciones pertinentes, que en su lugar tendrán lugar en 2021 o 2022.

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Campionati Pan Pacifici In Canada Del 2022 Rinviati Al 2026

Campionati Pan-Pacifici del 2022 rinviati al 2026. L’ultimo evento internazionale in ordine di tempo a subire gli effetti della pandemia COVID-19

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Società Italiana Pediatri: Si Al Mare Per I Bambini. I Suggerimenti

La Società Italiana Pediatri dice si al nuoto in mare per i più piccoli. I suggerimenti e le regole da osservare in spiaggia

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Some French Pools Reopen As Government Eases Restrictions

In recent days, some French pools have opened their doors to high-level athletes who saw their preparation stall as a result of confinement.

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In Giappone Revocato Lo Stato Di Emergenza Anche Per Città Di Tokyo

In Giappone, il primo ministro Shinzo Abe ha ufficialmente revocato lo stato di emergenza dichiarato per la pandemia da coronavirus (COVID-19).

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Arkansas Will Allow Youth Sports To Return June 1; Coaches Must Wear Masks

Arkansas Governor Asa Hutchinson announced that youth sports, including swimming, can return in the state beginning June 1, with safety restrictions in place.

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Olimpiadi Nel 2021: Ottobre Sarà Il Mese Cruciale Per Decidere

Olimpiadi 2021: Ottobre sarà un mese cruciale per decidere la reale fattibilità nell’estate del 2021, tra l’attesa del vaccino e la seconda ondata

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COVID-19 Update: HI, ME, MO, NV, OK Could Reopen Pools In June

Hawaii, Maine, Missouri, Nevada, and Oklahoma could all see pools reopening next month, based on each state’s plans for a return from coronavirus quarantine.


State-By-State Coronavirus Pool Reopening Index

As pools reopen after COVID-19 pandemic shutdowns, we’ll track each state’s opening dates and guidelines for reopening in our index.


COVID-19 Update: Pennsylvania & Others Could See Pool Openings This Month

Pennsylvania is among the states that have begun allowing indoor and outdoor pools to reopen. Pennsylvania counties can reopen as they move to “green” status.

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Madrid y Barcelona Pasan A La Fase 1; Otras Provincias Pasan A La Fase 2

Madrid y Barcelona, donde se encuentran los principales centros de capacitación de alto rendimiento de la nación, pasan hoy a la Fase 1.

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