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Comitato Olimpico Brasiliano Invia Atleti In Europa A Causa Del Covid-19

Il Comitato Olimpico brasiliano invierà “circa 200” atleti in Europa per allenarsi a causa della gravità dell’impatto del coronavirus sul paese.

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España Se Prepara Para Entrar En La Recta Final De La Desescalada

A medida que las provincias españolas van avanzando hacia la recta final de la desescalada, les detallamos cómo afectará esto al deporte.

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Minnesota To Allow All Pools To Reopen June 10 At 50% Capacity

Though some clubs had already gotten permission to resume training, all pools in Minnesota will be allowed to open at 50% capacity as of tomorrow, June 10.

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Atleti Argentini Tornano A Nuotare, Mentre Continua Il Lockdown

Atleti argentini che si sono qualificati per le Olimpiadi di Tokyo possono tornare ad allenarsi, mentre in tutto il paese vige ancora il lockdown

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Swimming Australia Taglia Stipendi E Spese Per Mitigare Effetto Pandemia

Swimming Australia si sta preparando ad adottare misure di riduzione dei costi per mitigare l’impatto finanziario della pandemia COVID-19.

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New Jersey To Reopen Pools On June 22; Full Guidelines Should Come Tuesday

New Jersey Governor Phil Murphy says public and private pools in the state can reopen as of June 22, with more guidelines to come this week.

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NCAA Planning For Unchanged Dates, Sites For Fall Championships

Despite some wrinkles amid the coronavirus pandemic, the NCAA says it plans to keep the same dates & sites for NCAA Championships in fall sports.

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California Counties Could Start Reopening Gyms, Pools By June 12

California has released guidelines for fitness facilities, including pools, to begin reopening by Friday on a county-by-county basis.


Connecticut To Reopen Pools At 50% Capacity On June 17

The state of Connecticut will move to Phase 2 of its reopening plan on June 17, with pools allowed to reopen at 50% capacity.

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Alice Tait Sostiene “Reverse Cycling” Per Tornare In Forma Dopo Lo Stop

Alice Tait suggerisce il “reverse cycling” per tornare in forma dopo lo stop. Prima focus sulla velocità e dopo sulla resistenza e la distanza

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World Oceans Day: Comportamenti Sostenibili. Greg E Le Acque Libere

World Oceans Day: in occasione della giornata mondiale per gli oceani, Gregorio Paltrinieri ci racconta come affrontare al meglio le acque libere

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SwimSwam Pulse: 69% Believe It’s Safe For Their Area Pools To Reopen

The majority of SwimSwam voters felt their local area could safely reopen pools, with about 20% saying they didn’t feel local pools should reopen yet.


Oregon Will Allow Pools To Reopen In Phase 2, As Early As Friday

The state of Oregon will allow swimming pools to reopen in Phase 2 of its reopening plan. For some counties, that could start as soon as Friday, June 5.

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Colorado To Finalize Pool Reopening Guidelines Today, Likely 50% Capacity

Today, Colorado will finalize its guidelines for pools to reopen – and the draft guidelines suggest pools could begin opening immediately at 50% capacity.


Bob Bowman Swimming Wisdom on Butterfly: GMM presented by

In this GMM takeover of the SwimSwam Podcast, we dive deep on butterfly with Coach Bob Bowman, covering age group butterfly challenges to elite training.