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WR Holder Kristof Milak Still Feeling Physical Effects Of Coronavirus

With a couple of races under his belt, World Record holder Kristof Milak reveals how his bout with coronavirus still affects him physically.


Femke Heemskerk In Quarantena Non Parteciperà Alle Gare A Rotterdam

Femke Heemskerk non parteciperà alle gare di qualificazione che iniziano oggi a Rotterdam. In quarantena per positività del marito

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Tokyo To Admit ‘Large-Scale’ Of Visitors With Possible Healthcare Mandate

The nation of Japan, host of the postponed 2020 Tokyo Olympics, will aim at admitting ‘large-scale’ numbers of overseas visitors for the Games.

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Delfina Pignatiello vuelve a competir a un año de su último torneo oficial

La tricampeona panamericana lidera un grupo de 8 nadadores argentinos que se presentará la próxima semana en el Trofeo Brasil de Río de Janeiro.

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Competiciones internacionales de alto nivel para diciembre de 2020

Este mes se están llevando a cabo campeonatos de piscina corta o larga en varias naciones después de haber sido pospuestos.

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Líderes mundiales expresan apoyo a los JJOO de 2021 y 2022 en la cumbre del G20

Thomas Bach, presidente del COI, señaló la necesidad de la solidaridad y llamó a los próximos JJOO una celebración de la solidaridad.

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El comité organizador de los JJOO presenta las medidas COVID

Con los JJOO de 2020 ahora a menos de 250 días, los ojos están puestos en cómo se mitigará la propagación del coronavirus en estos Juegos pospuestos de Tokio.

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Preview Of Athlete Coronavirus Measures At Tokyo 2020

With the 2020 Olympics now less than 250 days away, eyes are on how the coronavirus pandemic will be mitigated in Tokyo at the postponed Games.

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Swim England Welcomes December 2nd Lockdown Lifting

Swimmers in England will be able to return to the pool after the December 2nd coronavirus closures and restrictions have been lifted.

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Illinois Pauses High School Sports, Including Boys Swim, Amid Pandemic

Illinois is the latest state to adjust high school sports, with the IHSA temporarily pausing all sports through at least the end of the month.

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El medallista olímpico Pieter Timmers confirma su retiro de la natación

El nadador belga, subcampeón olímpico de los 100 metros libre en Río 2016, dio detalles de su decisión en conferencia de prensa.

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Con el nuevo confinamiento en Inglaterra, solo la élite podrá entrenarse

Los atletas acuáticos de Inglaterra se enfrentan ahora a un segundo bloqueo debido a la pandemia de coronavirus. Conozca los detalles de la situación aquí.

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ISL Athletes Brace For Stricter Coronavirus Safety Measures In Budapest

Hungary is adding new restrictions to curb the spread of the coronavirus, and ISL athletes have been informed that they’ll see tighter restrictions, too.

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Swim England Sends Lockdown Plea Letter Ahead Of Gov Debate

Swim England has revealed more than 23,000 individuals have signed its petition pleading for leisure centres to remain open.


Germany Announces Cancellation Of Remaining 2020 Meets

The German Swimming Federation (DSV) has cancelled the remaining meets of the year, including the German Youth Championships.