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Tokyo 2020 Organizers Starting To Look At Alternative Options For Olympics

The organizers for the 2020 Games have started to explore different options in preparation for the Olympics not running as originally scheduled.


Bob Bowman’s Pro Group Training Once Per Day At ASU

Bowman has a small group of pros, including Allison Schmitt and Hali Flickinger, who have been training at Mona Plummer Aquatic Center in Tempe, Arizona.


El presidente del COI: “la cancelación de los Juegos no está en nuestra agenda”

El presidente del COI, Thomas Bach, declaró que de momento no contemplan la cancelación de los Juegos y que están trabajando en posibles soluciones.

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Presidente CIO: La Cancellazione Delle Olimpiadi Non E’ In Agenda

Il Presidente del CIO afferma che la cancellazione delle Olimpiadi non è in agenda. Non si può spostare un tale evento che porterebbe via il sogno olimpico

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Se pospone el Campeonato de Europa de Natación, quizá para Agosto 2020

El Duna Arena en Budapest debía albergar 3 disciplinas en el Campeonato Europeo de Natación 2020. El evento se ha retrasado debido al Coronavirus.

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Spanish swimmers are left without a pool to train due to Coronavirus

Elite swimmers Mireia Belmonte and Jessica Vall asked for solutions so that they can have a swimming pool to train during the Coronavirus crisis.


I Russi Continueranno Ad Allenarsi Per Le Olimpiadi Di Tokyo

I Russi continuano ad allenarsi. Secondo l’allenatore della nazionale gli atleti devono mantenere la propria forma e nessun ciclo può essere saltato

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Japanese Olympic Committee Official Calls For Postponement Of 2020 Games

Kaori Yamaguchi, one of 23 executive board members on the Japanese Olympic Committee, has called for the postponement of the 2020 Games.


Olympian Jacob Pebley Calls for USA Swimming to Postpone Olympic Trials

Pebley, a 2016 Olympian for Team USA, also urged USA Swimming leadership to advocate for postponing the 2020 Olympics, which are still running as planned.


Swimming Canada CEO Issues Statement Supporting Olympic Postponement

Ahmed El-Awadi “is very much aligned with many of the points” made by USA Swimming CEO Tim Hinchey regarding postponing the 2020 Olympics for one year.

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Former US National Team Director Frank Busch: Training “Doesn’t Make Sense”

While the IOC has said that it plans to go forward with the Olympics beginning on July 24th as planned, Busch believes they should take place in 2021.


Japanese Olympic Swimmer Naoko Imoto Appointed Torch Relay Anchor In Greece

Retired 1996 Olympic swimmer Naoko Imoto of Japan was a last-minute addition to receive the Olympic flame during a downsized handover in Athens.


Kira Toussaint, Blake Pieroni, Hannah Miley Share Stuck-At-Home Workouts

With the majority of swimmers, as well as athletes in general, stuck at home around the world, tune in to what some elites are doing to stay in shape.


Barelli: Se Non C’E’ Svolta Positiva Ridicolo Parlare Di Olimpiadi

Barelli: Se la situazione non migliora entro metà Aprile, è ridicolo parlare di Olimpiadi. Gli azzurri stanno tutti bene, ma non tutti si allenano


Los nadadores españoles, sin piscina para entrenar por el Coronavirus

Mireia Belmonte y Jessica Vall piden soluciones para que puedan disponer de una piscina en la que entrenar durante la crisis del Coronavirus.

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