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State-By-State Coronavirus Pool Reopening Index

As pools reopen after COVID-19 pandemic shutdowns, we’ll track each state’s opening dates and guidelines for reopening in our index.


COVID-19 Update: Pennsylvania & Others Could See Pool Openings This Month

Pennsylvania is among the states that have begun allowing indoor and outdoor pools to reopen. Pennsylvania counties can reopen as they move to “green” status.

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Nebraska, New Hampshire Set To Reopen Pools On June 1

Nebraska will reopen pools in all but its four hardest-hit counties. New Hampshire will reopen pools, but only on a reservation basis.


Argentinian Swimming Federation Calls For Reopening Of Swimming Pools

“We have never stalled for 8 weeks,” national swimming head coach Gustavo Roldan said. “It is the only sport that cannot adapt to another setting.”

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Storied Lakeside Swim Club In Louisville, Kentucky Staying Dry This Summer

One of the most unique outdoor pools in the United States will not be opening this summer as Lousiville, Kentucky’s Lakeside Swim Club will remain dry.


Michael Phelps habla claro sobre su salud mental durante la pandemia

Michael Phelps ha hablado sobre el estado de su salud mental y ha detallado por qué el momento actual es particularmente difícil para él.

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Decreto Rilancio: Voucher Come Rimborsi Abbonamenti

Il Decreto Rilancio offre la possibilità per i gestori di impianti sportivi di rimborsare abbonamenti non goduti con voucher di pari importo

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Sarah Sjostrom, La Relativa Normalità Guardando Ai Giochi 2021

Sarah Sjostrom racconta dei programmi per il futuro, della ISL e di come in Svezia ha continuato ad allenarsi nonostante la pandemia

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La natación argentina pide volver al agua cuanto antes

Se cumplen dos meses de cuarentena en la Argentina, por el coronavirus. Y a diferencia de otros países, sus nadadores no tienen acceso a las piscinas.

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Japan’s Swimming Club Association Unveils COVID-19 Guidelines

Japan’s Swimming Club Association and Health Sports Medical Science Committee have collaborated on official COVID-19 guidelines for when pools can reopen.

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Riapertura Piscine E Palestre – Il Documento Aggiornato FIN

Riapertura piscine e palestre. A Partire dal 25 Maggio riapriranno piscine e centri sportivi. La Federnuoto ha aggiornato le linee guida

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Australian News Footage Shows Cate Campbell & Australia’s Return To Training

Australia’s Cate Campbell is back in the water, sharing some inside footage of what she said was a light and relatively low-volume return to training.

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Pignatiello cumple dos meses fuera del agua, con su ilusión olímpica intacta

La estrella de la natación argentina habla de la cuarentena que rige en su país, su madurez para afrontar esta etapa y sus sueños para Tokio

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“Ognuno Protegge Tutti” La Ripartenza Dello Sport In Sicurezza

“Ognuno Protegge Tutti” è il titolo della guida per l’esercizio fisico e lo sport elaborata dall’Ufficio Sport della Presidenza del Consiglio Ministri

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LEN Rinvia Elezioni A Novembre Ed Estende Le Cariche Attuali

LEN rinvia le elezioni e annuncia di aver riprogrammato il suo Congresso annuale. Si svolgerà domenica 8 novembre 2020 a Budapest, Ungheria.

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