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Claire Curzan

SwimSwam Pulse: 75% Preferred San Antonio PSS Over Richmond

Three-quarters of voters were more excited for the San Antonio stop of the Pro Swim Series than the Richmond stop, according to our most recent SwimSwam poll.


Curzan Closes Out TAC Polar Plunge With 1:53 200 Fly Victory

The 2021 TAC Polar Plunge meet wrapped up today, featuring 1 final win from one of the youngest members of the US National Team Claire Curzan.

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Michael Cotter Hits 4:23.5 500 FR at TAC Polar Plunge; Curzan Goes Best in 500

The TAC Titans are hosting the Polar Plunge, though the hefty majority of top swimmers racing here are their own, including NAG record-holder Claire Curzan. 


Curzan & Lochte Scratch Out Of Richmond Pro Swim Series

Claire Curzan and Ryan Lochte have both dropped off the psych sheets for the Pro Swim Series opener in Richmond, along with several other notable names.


5 Storylines to Follow at the 2021 Pro Swim Series – Richmond

In November, Claire Curzan rocked a 56.6 100m fly. She went 50.1/1:49 in the SCY backstrokes in December. What’s next?


All The Links You Need For The 2021 Pro Swim Series – Richmond

How you can follow along with this weekend’s Pro Swim Series site from Richmond, Va., featuring 12-time Olympic medalist Ryan Lochte.

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Pro Swim Series A Richmond In Gara Anche Lochte E Conger

Pro swim series Dal 14 al 17 Gennaio si gareggerà anche a Richmond, in contemporanea con San Antonio. In gara Lochte, Conger

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USA Aggiunti 15 Nomi Alla Nazionale Junior 2020/2021

USA Swimming ha aggiornato la lista degli atleti convocati a far parte della squadra nazionale juniores per la stagione 2020/2021.

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Olympians and Age Group Stars Top Richmond PSS Psych Sheets

Olympians Ryan Lochte and Jack Conger, along with NAG record holders like Claire Curzan, are among the names entered for the Richmond PSS next weekend.


Sims, Curzan, Douglass, and Roy Added To 2020-2021 US National Team

USA Swimming has announced the addition of Bella Sims, Claire Curzan, Kate Douglass, and Daniel Roy to their 2020-2021 national team.


2020 Swammy Awards: Age Group Swimmer of the Year – 15-16

National Age Group Record-holders Claire Curzan and Liam Custer are the 2020 Swammy Award winners for the 15-16 age group.


2020 Swammy Awards: Top 10 Swims of the Year

Though we did not get NCAAs, U.S. Olympic Trials, or the 2020 Tokyo Olympic Games we were still fortunate to see some blazing fast swims in 2020.


Ultra Swim Swimmer of the Month: Claire Curzan, TAC Titans

Claire Curzan was already the best butterflyer and freestyler in 15-16 age group history. But in December, she also became one of the best backstrokers.


2020 Swammy Awards: U.S. Club Coach of the Year – Bruce Marchionda, TAC Titans

Bruce Marchionda’s TAC Titans had six different swimmers make our top 20 recruit rankings this spring, while winning the 18&Under Winter Championships.


SSPC: Claire Curzan Wrote Down ’56 100 Fly in Greensboro’ Before it Happened

Claire Curzan has been ON one this quarantine, dropping best times seemingly every time she hits the racing blocks, most notably registering a 56.6 100m fly