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Cincinnati Marlins

Foster Breaks Legendary Michael Phelps NAG Record

Michael Phelps’ lone 10 & under National Record has been destroyed in Oxford, Ohio. (Photo Courtesy: ©Tim Binning/


Carson Foster Becomes Youngest Swimmer to Ever Break 30 Seconds in 50 Fly [Video]

Check out the video above that vaguely resembles Carson Foster breaking the National Age Group Record in the 50 fly!


Carson Foster Drops 50 Fly Record Again

When swimmers drop National Age Group Records at a pre-taper time trial, those marks are bound to go down again….

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Cincy Marlins Break NAG Relay Record at JO’s

Carson Foster, along with his teammates, stamped another NAG Record on the books. (Photo Courtesy: Cincinnati Marlins)

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Cincinnati Marlins Swimmer Breaks 10 & Under NAG Record in 50 Fly [VIDEO]

The Cincinnati Marlins 10-year old broke a record that has stood for 16 years.


Dennis Pursley Hired as Head Coach at Alabama

Dennis Pursley returns home to become the next head coach at the University of Alabama.