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Chloe Sutton

View Chloe Sutton's Biography

"If you have faith as small as a mustard seed, you can say to this mountain, 'Move from here to there,' and it will move. Nothing will be impossible for you." -- Matthew 17:20

Seebohm Signs Sponsorship Deal with Kia Motors

Emily Seebohm has signed a huge marketing contract with Kia Motors, according to the marketing website The deal is…

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Vanderkaay, Soni Cash in Big at Charlotte Grand Prix

The 2010 Charlotte UltraSwim Grand Prix, hosted by the Mecklenburg County Aquatic Center in Downtown Charlotte, was a huge success,…


Charlotte UltraSwim Day 2 Picks-The Meat of the Meet

After Day 1’s distance events, it’s time to really get into the heart of the meet. Among the second day…


Charlotte UltraSwim Day 1 Predictions-The Distance Events

Day 1 at the Charloote UltraSwim Grand Prix has a short schedule, consisting of only the Olympic distance events: the…

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Columbus Grand Prix 2010: Day 3 Preview

The big guns were out in full force on day 2. On the women’s side, event winners included budding star…


Grand Prix Day 2- Picks, Previews, and Predictions

Live results from the 2010 Columbus Grand Prix Day 1 at the Columbus Grand Prix was an exciting one. On…


Missouri Grand Prix 2010: Day 1 Final Results

Here are the results of each of  the ‘A’ Finals from the first day of the Missouri Grand Prix. There…

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