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Beyond The Lane Lines: Ryan Murphy’s Daily Menu

Read up on this week’s edition of Beyond the Lane Lines, featuring Ryan Murphy, Rikako Ikee, Daiya Seto and more in unique stories from around the web.

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Banned Shayna Jack Says She Has Been Extorted By Would-Be Hackers

As we await the outcome of the Court of Arbitration for Sport hearing date for Aussie sprinter Shayna Jack, she notified police of alleged extortion threats.


WADA vs. Russia: Appello Contro Le Sanzoni, Udienza A Novembre

Il CAS ha fissato per novembre l’udienza per il ricorso RUSADA nei confronti di WADA in merito alle pesanti sanzioni imposte lo scorso anno

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Caso Shayna Jack: Fissata Udienza Al CAS Ma La Data E’ Segreta

Caso Shayna Jack: L’udienza di appello avverso la sospensione di 4 anni davanti al CAS è stata fissata, ma le parti hanno chiesto che rimanga segreta

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CAS Hearing Date Set, but Kept Secret, For Banned Aussie Swimmer Shayna Jack

Australian swimmer Shayna Jack has a date for her CAS hearing; however, the CAS says that at the request of the parties, that date will be kept a secret.


Shayna Jack’s CAS Hearing Date Update: “Now The Real Fight Begins”

“Today I received further notice in relation to my hearing at CAS,” says 21-year-old Aussie sprinter Shayna Jack, who is serving a 4-year suspension.


Junya Koga’s Suspension Expired On May 14th, Giving Backstroker New Life

Junya Koga has said he is facing the challenge head-on, capitalizing on the extra time he, and other athletes in his scenario, have been gifted.


Report: Aussie Shayna Jack’s CAS Hearing Imminent

“This whole journey is coming to an end,” is how coach Dean Boxall views the positive doping test journey of his protege, Shayna Jack.

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CAS Extends Virtual Hearings Through At Least May 17th

On March 17th, the Court of Arbitration for Sport (CAS) announced it would not hear any cases in-person until at least May 1st.

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Shayna Jack’s CAS Appeal To Reportedly Put Swimming AUS Camp Under Microscope

Shayna Jack is still trying to prove her innocence, with her legal team devising a strategy that looks at the pre-World Championships camp conductors.


CAS Won’t Hold In-Person Hearings Until May; Video-Conferencing an Option

Delayed CAS decisions could affect swimming in multiple ways, including a decision on Australian Shayna Jack’s fate and that of RUSADA.

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Aussie Coach Denis Cotterell Changes Tune After Sun Yang 8-Year Ban

Sun Yang’s longtime Aussie Coach Denis Cotterell says he does not support his now-former swimmer’s intention to appeal his 8-year ban.


Olympic Champion Sun Yang Handed 8-Year Ban Over Vial-Smashing Incident

Three-time Olympic champion Sun Yang has been handed an eight-year period of ineligibility over an out-of-competition doping test gone awry.


Sun Yang Says He Will ‘Definitely’ Appeal 8-Year Ban to Swiss Federal Tribunal

The year-long public saga regarding an anti-doping test that went awry in September 2018 for Chinese star Sun Yang might not be over yet.


Berkhahn zu Sun Yang Urteil: “Schwimmsport hat Glaubwürdigkeit zurückgewonnen”

Seitens des DSV (Deutscher Schwimmverband) äußerten sich Bundestrainer Bernd Berkhahn und Leistungssportdirektor Thomas Kurschilgen zu dem Urteil des Internationalen Sportgerichtshofes…

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