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Caeleb Dressel

La Brutalità Dei 50 Stile Libero Dove Il Favorito Potrebbe Vincere L’Oro O Finire Quarto

I 50 stile libero sono una gara aspra e brutale dove il favorito potrebbe vincere l’oro o finire quarto. vediamo chi ci sarà a Parigi 2024

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2024 Olympic Previews: Americans Favored In Crowded Men’s 400 Free Relay Field

Six sub-48 swims at U.S. Trials put Americans in the driver’s seat for the 400 free relay. But China, Australia, Italy, and Great Britain all loom large.


Relive The Hype: Race Videos Highlights From The Tokyo 2020 Olympics

World Records, outside smokes, and celebrations highlighted the 2020 Tokyo Games. What will happen next week in Paris?

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La Costanza Della 4×100 Maschile Italiana Per Contrastare Gli Stati Uniti E l’Australia

La staffetta maschile 4×100 stile libero regala sempre fuochi d’artificio alle Olimpiadi e potrebbe regalare la prima medaglia del nuoto

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The Hometowns of the U.S. Olympic Swim Team: A Dive Into America’s Heartland

Diving into the hometowns of the 2024 U.S. Olympic team, including those from states not known for developing Olympic-level swimmers.


The Most Dominant Long Course World Records Heading Into The Paris Olympics

Kristof Milak’s 200 fly marker of 1:50.34 is more than one second faster than the #2 swimmer in history, Michael Phelps.


Anteprime Olimpiche: 2 Detentori Di WR Ed Un Campione Olimpico In Lotta Nei 100 Stile

Pan Zhanle, David Popovici e Kyle Chalmers lotteranno per l’oro olimpico nei 100 stile libero maschili a Parigi, ed il finale non è scontato

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How Much Prize Money Can American Swimmers Earn at the Paris 2024 Olympic Games?

American athletes are eligible to earn money for Olympic medals via the USOPC’s ‘Operation Gold’ program.


2024 Olympic Games: Ranking Events By Podium Predictability (Men’s Edition)

Leon Marchand is the favorite in the 200 fly, one of two events that looks to have its podium set heading into the meet.


The Last Five Men’s 100 Free Olympic Champions Have All Come From Lane 5

Rio Olympic champion Kyle Chalmers–the only Olympic champion returning to the Paris field–won gold from lane 5, like every men’s 100 free winner since 2004.


Gli Ultimi 5 Campioni Olimpici Nei 100 Stile Erano Nella Corsia 5

Negli ultimi 20 anni tutti i campioni olimpici nei 100 metri stile libero maschili hanno nuotato la finale dalla corsia numero 5

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Anteprime Olimpiadi Parigi: Servirà Un 49 Per Salire Sul Podio Dei 100 Farfalla Maschili?

I 100 farfalla maschili saranno una gara molto attesa, dove potrebbe volerci un tempo sotto i 50″ per salire sul podio A Parigi 2024

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2024 Olympic Previews: Caeleb Dressel and the 49-Hopefuls in the Men’s 100 Butterfly

With 6 of the 8 fastest performers all-time facing off in Paris, the men’s 100 butterfly is set to be one of the most exciting events of the entire Games.


What Are The Most Likely World Records To Be Broken In Paris? (Men’s Edition)

Which records are most likely to be broken based on seasonal performance? Will the math be right or will there be surprises?


Kolesnikov, Efimova, Chikunova In Gara Da Martedì Alla Russian Swimming Cup

In programma dal 23 al 28 luglio, la Russian Swimming Cup è un’opportunità per i nuotatori russi di mostrare il loro talento al di fuori dei Giochi

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