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Brent Hayden

Nicholas Santos E Brent Hayden Quando L’Età E’ Solo Un Numero

Nicholas Santos e Brett Hayden 40 e 37 anni, hanno dimostrato al mondo del nuoto che l’età è soltanto un numero e non un ostacolo

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Brent Hayden on Match #9: “Now would’ve been the meet” to make Mistakes (Video)

With a lot of winning performances, Toronto still wound up 4th overall in Match #9 and Brent Hayden admits they made some mistakes early that cost them

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Relay Analysis: Energy Standard Continues Mixed Free Dominance In Match 9

Siobhan Haughey had yet another sub-52 relay split for Energy Standard as they cruised to a fourth straight win in the 4×100 mixed free relay.

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2020 ISL Match 9 – Day 1 Live Recap

In the penultimate regular-season ISL Match, the Tokyo Frog Kings face Energy Standard and Team Iron for the 1st time this season, and the Toronto Titans.


Relay Analysis: Kolesnikov Becoming Energy Standard’s Go-To Guy

Kliment Kolesnikov split a blistering 45.41 on the men’s free relay, and then followed up by leading off Energy Standard with a 49.21 100 back on the medley.

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2020 ISL Match #7 Day 2 – Live Recap

Match 7 may be a battle for 2nd between Toronto Titans and Team Iron, while Toronto’s backstrokers Kylie Masse and Lisa Bratton look to score major points.


Live Recap Day 2 Match 7 International Swimming League

Live recap della seconda giornata di gare del 7° match di regular season International Swimming League alla Duna Arena di Budapest

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2020 ISL Match 7 – Day 1 Live Recap

Sarah Sjostrom is back in for Energy Standard. This match will also decide whether or not DC Trident has the chance to advance to the semifinals.


Relay Analysis: Sjostrom Returns With Blistering 50.67 Anchor On Women’s Medley

Sjostrom, who sat out of Energy Standard’s last match with back issues, unleashed the sixth-fastest women’s 100 free split in history.


Relay Analysis: Haughey/Heemskerk Combo Leads Energy Standard To Mixed Free Win

In her first match of the season, Femke Heemskerk was a valuable asset for Energy Standard, producing multiple sub-52 relay legs.

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Relay Analysis: Centurion Men Remain Undefeated In 4×100 Free

Marcelo Chierighini had the fastest split in the field, 45.67, as the Aqua Centurions won their third straight men’s 4×100 free relay.


International Swimming League: Recap Live Giorno 2 Match 3

International Swimming League A Budapest sta per iniziare il Day 2 del Match 3. Il nostro recap live con i risultati e tempi

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Resultados día 1, 3er encuentro ISL 2020: LA Current y Tokyo Kings muy cerca

Hoy, LA Current y Aqua Centurions se han enfrentado a los nuevos Tokyo Frog Kings y Toronto Titans, resultado en una ligera ventaja para los LA Current.

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International Swimming League: Recap Live Match 3 Day 1

-International Swimming League: A Budapest va in scena il Match 3. In acqua anche le due nuove squadre, i Totonto Titans e Tokyo Frog

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L’Australiano 2 Medaglie Olimpiche Matt Targett Torna A Nuotare A 34 Anni

L’australiano Matt Targett a 34 anni sta pensando al ritorno alle gare. Da due mesi è tornato ad allenarsi con Brett Hawke

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