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Ben Southern

Dressel On Another Level, Unleashes 41.60 in 100 Free

Auburn women and Alabama men take the team titles at the Georgia Tech Invitational, while Florida men and women both finish as runner-ups.


Harvard Men and Women Raced Georgia Tech in “Scrimmage”

The Harvard men and women hosted a dual meet against Georgia Tech, which was labeled a “scrimmage” and not scored.

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13-Year-Old Tristen Ulett of Dynamo Earns Her 2nd Olympic Trials Cut

Tristen Ulett continues to impress, as she added another event to her Olympic Trials schedule in the final weekend of…


Georgia Tech Men and Penn State Women Dominate Pink Night Tri

Georgia Tech coach Courtney Hart led her men’s team to a season-opening win over a Big Ten opponent on Friday in Atlanta.

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Kylliainen wins twice, de Lucca and Kosic battle as Louisville beats Georgia Tech

The Georgia Tech and Louisville men watched their best swimmers collide three times, with Andrew Kosic and Joao de Lucca each winning once and tying each other in the 50 free.

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