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Arno Kamminga

Meeting Internazionale Ginevra Gare In Diretta Streaming

Meeting Internazionale di Ginevra le gare saranno trasmesse in diretta streaming live. Il link per vederle. In acqua tanta Italia

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El 2021 Geneva Challenge albergará nadadores de Francia e Italia, entre otros

Deportistas de alto nivel de toda Europa están listos para aterrizar en Suiza este fin de semana para competir en el 54 ° Desafío de Ginebra.

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Meeting Internazionale Ginevra In Gara Pellegrini Martinenghi Pirozzi

Il meeting internazionale di Ginevra si svolgerà da venerdì a domenica. In gara Pellegrini, Martinenghi, Pirozzi, Carini. Anteprima

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2021 Geneva Challenge Welcomes French, Dutch, Italians & More

A host of top athletes from around Europe, including Arno Kamminga, are set to descend upon Switzerland this weekend to race at the 54th Geneva Challenge

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2020 Swammy Awards: Mark Faber Is This Year’s European Coach of the Year

This year’s European Coach of the Year goes to the coach of the Netherlands’ best of 2020 including world record breaker Kira Toussaint.


Kamminga sigilosamente nada los 200 braza en 2:01.43: #6 all-time

Nadando en parciales de 58.76 y 1:02.67, el resultado de 2:01.43 de Kamminga aquí en Ámsterdam borró el 2:02.23 que logró el pasado octubre.

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Kira Toussaint Eguaglia Il Record Del Mondo Nei 50 Dorso 25.60

Kira Toussaint ha eguagliato il suo stesso Record del Mondo nei 50 metri dorso femminili nuotando il tempo di 25.60 ad Amsterdam

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Nicolò Martinenghi Stabilisce Il Nuovo Record Italiano 50 Rana 26.56

Nicolò Martinenghi stabilisce il nuovo record italiano nei 50 metri rana maschili e nuota la prima prestazione mondiale stagionale

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Kamminga Quietly Clocks 2:01.43 SCM 200 Breast As 6th Best Performer

Arno Kamminga gave himself a holiday gift of a new Dutch national record in the short course men’s 200 breaststroke in Amsterdam.


200 Rana Maschili: La Gara Senza Padrone, Torna Wilson In Vasca Da 50

Nei 200 rana maschili Matt Wilson nuota 2:08.82 che vale la 10° posizione nella classifica mondiale stagionale della distanza

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Dolfin Swim of the Week: Arno Kamminga’s 2:06.86 in 200 BR

Arno Kamminga moved to #4 all-time in the long course 200 meter breaststroke with a 2:06.85. He’s just the fourth man ever to break 2:07.

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SSPC: Arno Kamminga on Never Swimming Warmup Before Races

Kamminga never gets into the pool before he races. The physical warm-up that he takes himself through is solely on land. 


Arno Kamminga Non Si Riscalda Mai Prima Di Gareggiare Video Intervista

Arno Kamminga non si riscalda mai in acqua prima di gareggiare. Ha iniziato a nuotare ed allenarsi a 15 anni dopo aver perso la mamma

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Rotterdam Roundup: Dutch Olympic Qualifiers After Selection Phase 1

Take a look at the Tokyo 2020 Olympic Games individual qualifiers stemming from the Netherlands, with the 2nd phase of selection coming next year.

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Heemskerk Retains 100 Free Olympic Spot; Corbeau Hits 59.5 100 Breast

Read on to find out the 2020 Olympic implications of today’s swims at the Rotterdam Qualification Meet (RQM) in the Netherlands.