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Arno Kamminga

Le Sfide Dell’Ultimo Giorno Dell’Edizione Pre-Olimpica Del Settecolli

Siamo arrivati alla fine dell’edizione pre-olimpica del Trofeo Settecolli. vediamo quali sono le sfide più rilevanti anche in ottica olimpica

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Le Clos Wanted to Train With Milak While in Hungary (Sette Colli Interviews)

Chad le Clos placed 6th in the 100 fly on day one of the Sette Colli Trophy with his first sub-52 second swim of the season. Milak won gold in the event.


Watch Martinenghi And Castiglioni Break Back-To-Back Italian 100 Breast Records

Watch Nicolo Martinenghi and Arianna Castiglioni deliver back-to-back Italian records in the men’s and women’s 100 breaststrokes.


2021 Sette Colli Trophy Day 1 Finals Recap

Thomas Ceccon is among the Italian athletes competing on day 1 of the Sette Colli Trophy in Rome, where he’ll be joined by the Dutch, Brazilians and more.


Martinenghi Hits 58.29 100 Breast ITA Record, Ties Shymanovich For #4 All-Time

Martinenghi has again lowered his own national record in the 100 breaststroke which he set at a 58.37 just a few weeks ago.


Early Olympic Relay Look: Mixed 4×100 Medley Relay

Australia, the U.S., and Great Britain have each won a Worlds gold in this event since its addition, and will battle for the first-ever Olympic gold.


Nicolò Martinenghi Nuovo Record Italiano Nei 100 Rana 58.29

Nicolò Martinenghi migliora il suo record italiano nei 100 rana nuotando 58.29 davanti all’olandese Arno Kamminga, secondo di sempre al mondo

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Sette Colli 2021: Alshammar Chasing 7th Olympic Berth; Names & Races to Watch

The 2021 Sette Colli Trophy in Rome will serve as truly the “last call” for those looking to punch their tickets to Tokyo, or beef up their Olympic schedule.


58° Trofeo Settecolli: Le 5 Gare Maschili Da Non Perdere

Anteprima del 58° trofeo Setoli con le 5 gare maschili da non perdere tra staffette da qualificare e stelle straniere in gara ad un mese da Tokyo

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Settecolli: Milak, Kamminga, Le Clos, Sjostrom, Hosszu Tra Gli Iscritti

Il Trofeo Settecolli accoglierà di nuovo un foltissimo numero di stelle del nuoto internazionale. La lista completa degli atleti iscritti

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Andrew Ancora Record, 58.14 In Semifinale Ai Trials Di Omaha

Michael Andrew durante le semifinali dei 100 rana maschili ai Trials olimpici ha migliorato nuovamente il record americano

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Nic Fink Hits 58.50 100 Breast: #2 All-Time American, 5th Worldwide This Season

Fink is now the second-ranked American man behind Michael Andrew in the event and the 5th fastest man in the world this season.


US Men Find Answer To Medley Relay Hole In Michael Andrew’s 58.19 100 Breast

Could this be what the American men needed in order to secure gold in the 4×100 medley or do the British still have the upperhand?


Watch Michael Andrew Break the 100 Breast American Record at 58.19

The race video for Michael Andrew’s 58.19 100 breast American record is now live, where he leads tonight’s semi-finals seeds.


Michael Andrew Shatters 100 BR American Record with Prelims 58.19, #3 in World

The swim not only makes Andrew the fastest American of all-time, it makes him the #3 performer in the world all-time.