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Arjan Knipping

L’Olanda Pubblica La Lista Dei Convocati Ufficiali Alle Olimpiadi

La Federazione Reale Olandese di Nuoto (KNZB) ha rivelato il suo roster ufficiale per i Giochi Olimpici di Tokyo 2020 che inizieranno a Luglio

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Barcellona-Arno Kamminga 58.47 Nei 100 Rana Risultati Batterie Day2

A Barcellona si chiuderà stasera l’edizione 2021 del Mare Nostrum. I risultati delle batterie di questa mattina preannunciano grandi sfide

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2021 Mare Nostrum Barcelona – Day 2 Prelims Recap

After winning the 50 and 200 breaststroke last night, Arno Kamminga swam 58.47 in the 100 and has his eyes on Adam Peaty’s meet record.


Mare Nostrum Monaco Finals: Day 1 Live Recap

Dutchman Arno Kamminga (pictured) is up in the first race of the evening after cruising this morning’s prelims of the men’s 200 breast


2021 European Championships: Day 7 Prelims Live Recap

The final prelims session of these championships will feature the men’s 400 IM, women’s 400 free, and both 4×100 medley relays.


Ranomi Kromowidjojo 53.13 Nei 100 Stile #4 Al Mondo #1 In Europa

Ad Eindhoven Ranomi Kromowidijojo nuota 53.13 nei 100 stile e sale al quarto posto nel ranking mondiale stagionale, prima europea

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Femke Heemskerk Nuota Il Personale Nelle Batterie 50 Stile 24.28

Femke Heemskerk si dimostra determinata a conquistare il pass olimpico. Nelle batterie dei 50 stile nuota il personal best 24.28

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Femke Heemskerk /Valerie Van Roon La Sfida Per Un Posto In Nazionale

La sfida per un posto in nazionale tra Femke Heemskerk e Valerie Van Roon si svolgerà questo week end ad Eindhoven Anteprima

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Anteprima Coppa Flanders 23/24 Gennaio Evento Qualificazione Olimpica

La Flanders cup è diventata manifestazione di qualificazione olimpica, e si svolgerà ad Anversa, in Belgio, sabato 23 E domenica 24

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Koch y Kamminga, entre los inscritos al 2021 Flanders Qualification Meet

La alineación de competidores incluye un paquete de energía de los Países Bajos junto con una pizca de austriacos y alemanes.

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Koch/Kamminga Matchup Featured At 2021 Flanders Qualification Meet

Germany’s 2015 breaststroking world champion Marco Koch is set to race at the Flanders Qualification Meet where he may be pitted against Arno Kamminga.

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Rotterdam Roundup: Dutch Olympic Qualifiers After Selection Phase 1

Take a look at the Tokyo 2020 Olympic Games individual qualifiers stemming from the Netherlands, with the 2nd phase of selection coming next year.

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Kromo, Heemskerk, Kamminga Head To Rotterdam OLY Qualifier

The stage is nearly set for the 2020 Rotterdam Qualification Meet (RQM), with Dutch, Swiss, Israeli, Belgian, Austrian and other nations racing for Tokyo.


Korstanje Hits Near-Best 50 Free At Dutch Training Meet

Several Dutch national team members not competing in the ISLcontested events last weekend at an internal training meet in Eindhoven.

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Denmark’s Signe Bro Posts PB In Women’s 100 Free To Close Out Antwerp Diamond

In addition to Arno Kamminga, Femke Heemskerk (NED) and Signe Bro (DEN) also made some waves to close out the 2020 Antwerp Diamond Race.

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