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IOC President Pledges $10 Million To Four-Part Anti-Doping Action Plan

International Olympic Committee President Thomas Bach has announced a $10 million action plan against doping, broken into four parts.

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WADA President-Elect Witold Banka Pushes for Corporate Funding

To extend WADA’s reach and efficacy, Banka is seeking help from corporations. WADA is currently funded by public bodies, like the IOC.

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L’Udienza Di Sun Yang Sarà Trasmessa In Live Streaming

L’Udienza dinanzi alla Corte di Arbitrato per lo Sport (CAS) fissata per il giorno 15 Novembre 2019, verrà trasmessa in diretta streaming.

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Conor Dwyer Sospeso Per 20 Mesi. Annuncia Il Ritiro

Conor Dwyer, due volte campione olimpico, è stato sospeso per 20 mesi. Ieri sera l’annuncio del ritiro dal nuoto. Tutti i dettagli della vicenda.

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WADA Gives Russia 3 Weeks To Explain ‘Inconsistencies’ In Moscow Lab Data

The World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA) has given Russia three weeks to investigate and explain inconsistencies in data from the Moscow anti-doping lab.


Magnini: Sentenza Già Scritta, Dimostrerò Il Torto Che Ho Subito

Ieri pomeriggio è stat emessa la sentenza di appello nel caso che ha coinvolto l’ex capitano della Nazionale Filippo Magnini….

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Caso Andrea Vergani: Fissata Per Il 6 Giugno L’Udienza di Discussione

La Seconda Sezione del Tribunale Nazionale Antidoping ha inserito, nella sessione di udienze del 6 giugno 2019, alle ore 9:30,…

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IPC to Reinstate Russian Paralympic Committee

The International Paralympic Committee will reinstate the Russian Paralympic Committee in March despite its refusal to accept the findings of the McLaren Report.

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Fraser-Holmes Excluded From ISL Due To Missing Whereabouts Suspension

27-year-old Thomas Fraser-Holmes of Australia has learned he will be excluded from the new International Swim League (ISL) due to its zero tolerance on doping.


Dopers Beware, As London Olympic Samples Continue To Be Re-Tested

The International Olympic Committee (IOC) has announced that additional analyses of samples collected from the 2012 Olympic Games in London are currently underway.

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WADA Publishes 2019 List of Prohibited Substances And Methods

WADA published its list of prohibited substances that comes into effect on January 1, 2019.


Reduced Number Of Russian Athletes For PyeongChang 2018 Determined

The Invitation Review Panel and the Olympic Athlete from Russia Implementation Group (OARIG) have taken a key step in the process of inviting clean Russian athletes to the Olympic Winter Games PyeongChang 2018.

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14,000 Doping Tests Conducted To Safeguard PyeongChang 2018

The International Olympic Committee (IOC) today announced that more than 14,000 doping tests have been undertaken on over 6,000 athletes from 61 countries* to safeguard the upcoming Olympic Winter Games that open in PyeongChang, Republic of Korea, on 9 February 2018.

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IOC Sanctions 11 Russians As Part of Oswald Commission Findings

Today, the International Olympic Committee (IOC) has published 11 new decisions from the Oswald Commission hearings, which are being conducted in the context of the Sochi 2014 forensic and analytic doping investigations.

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IOC Suspends Russia From 2018 Winter Olympics

As more and more evidence piles up to support a state-sponsored doping program within the nation of Russia, the International Olympic Committee (IOC) has officially suspended the Russian Olympic Committee from the 2018 Winter Olympics while creating a strict process for allowing clean Russian athletes to compete under the Olympic banner.