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Yes, Gretchen Walsh Was Drug Tested in Both 2023 and 2024

American swimmer Gretchen Walsh has been the target of Chinese social media critiques that she hasn’t been subjected to drug testing, but that isn’t true.


Il CAS Ha Aperto L’Ufficio Legale E Antidoping A Tokyo Per Le Olimpiadi

Il CAS ha aperto due uffici sul campo a Tokyo, uno per le controversie legali e uno per i casi antidoping durante le Olimpiadi di Tokyo.

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CAS Releases Full Decision In Two-Year Doping Ban On Russia

The Court of Arbitration for Sport (CAS) released its full 186-page Arbital Award in a two-year international sports ban on Russia.


CAS Upholds Ban On Russia, But Shortens It To Two Years

The Court of Arbitration for Sport (CAS) partially upheld a ban on Russia’s participation in international sport, reducing the ban from four years to two.


WADA Pubblica Una Guida Per La Gestione Dei Test COVID-19

L’Agenzia Mondiale Anti-doping ha pubblicato una guida per dormire alle agenzie nazionali tutte le informazione utile sui test COVID-19

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CAS Hearing Between WADA, RUSADA Wraps Up

The Arbitral Panel will now deliberate and prepare its decision, which is expected sometime before the end of 2020.

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Rusia Queda “Vetada” De Tokio: Les Detallamos En Qué Consiste La Sanción

A raíz de comentarios que indican cierto nivel de confusión entre nuestros lectores, les explicamos con más profundidad en qué consiste dicha sanción.

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WADA Issues Guidance For Resumed Doping Testing When Pandemic Lifts

The World Anti-Doping Agency has issued some guidelines for anti-doping organizations to resume drug testing as pandemic restrictions begin to relax..


Sun Yang Prima Invitato, Poi Escluso Da Collegiale Della Nazionale Cinese

Sun Yang, era stato incluso in una lista di atleti invitati ad un collegiale di allenamento organizzato dalla Chinese Swimming Association.

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Nuotatore Ventenne Indiano Sospeso Per Doping Per 4 Anni

Un nuotatore indiano di 20 anni è stata sospeso per 4 anni. Il suo nome è Sahil Pawar, e al momento del test anti doping aveva 19 anni.

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Olympic Champion Sun Yang Handed 8-Year Ban Over Vial-Smashing Incident

Three-time Olympic champion Sun Yang has been handed an eight-year period of ineligibility over an out-of-competition doping test gone awry.


Meilutyte Chiese A FINA 1 Anno Sospensione Per Gareggiare a Tokyo

Ruta Meilutyte aveva chiesto alla FINA la riduzione ad un anno della sanzione per la violazione del regolamento antidoping per partecipare a Tokyo 2020

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CHINADA Temporarily Suspends Testing in Wake of Coronavirus Epidemic

According to France’s AP news wire, CHINADA has decided to “temporarily” suspend its activities because of the coronavirus epidemic.


WADA Non-Compliance Would Bump Russia Out Of 2020 Olympics

The World Anti-Doping Agency clarified both the alleged misconduct committed by Russia, and what consequences the nation could face if deemed non-compliant.


BREAKING: WADA’s Committee Recommends Non-Compliance For Russia

WADA’s Compliance Review Committee is recommending that the World Anti-Doping Agency consider Russia’s anti-doping body non-compliant with WADA rules.