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Anne Hidalgo

Buenas señales: La alcaldesa de París se bañó en el río Sena junto a Tony Estanguet

Previo a París 2024, se cumplió la promesa que se tuvo posponer en varias ocasiones porque las lluvias retrasaron aguas a niveles aptos al baño.

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WATCH: Paris Mayor Anne Hidalgo Swims in the Seine Ahead of the Paris 2024 Olympics

Paris Mayor Anne Hidalgo has made her long-promised swim in the Seine on Wednesday morning, declaring the river safe to swim for the Olympic Games.


Paris Olympic Opening Ceremony Threatened By Speed of Seine River

The Seine was flowing at a fast speed of 500 cubic m/s on Wednesday, threatening plans for the Paris Olympic opening ceremony on July 26.


Il Sindaco Di Parigi Anne Hidalgo Farà Il Tuffo Nella Senna La Settimana Prossima

Il sindaco di Parigi Anne Hidalgo si è nuovamente impegnata a nuotare nella Senna prima dei Giochi Olimpici per dimostrare che è sicura

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Paris Mayor Anne Hidalgo Tells French Radio She Will Swim in the Seine Next Week

Paris Mayor Anne Hidalgo is once again saying she will swim in the Seine ahead of the Olympic Games to demonstrate that it is safe.


Il Fiume Senna Fallisce Un Altro Test Sulla Qualità Dell’Acqua

Per la terza settimana consecutiva lo scenografico corso d’acqua parigino ha registrato livelli di E. coli non sicuri in quattro aree diverse.

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Seine River Fails Another Water Quality Test With Just One Month Until Paris Olympics

E. coli levels were 10 times above acceptable limits on June 18 after another month of heavy rainfall sent untreated sewage into the Seine River.


Il Sindaco Di Parigi Rinvia La Sua Nuotata Nella Senna “A Causa Delle Correnti”

Una nuotata nella Senna programmata dal sindaco francese Anne Hidalgo e prevista per domenica 23 giugno “sarà probabilmente rinviata”


Paris Mayor Anne Hidalgo’s Seine Swim Postponed After Heavy Rains in May

A planned June 10th practice of the French open water national team was also postponed because of “crazy currents” their coach said.


Paris Officials Open Austerlitz Water Tank, A Crucial Piece of the Seine River Clean Up Plan

The Austerlitz water tank can hold 13.2 million gallons of water, making it a critical piece of Paris organizers’ plans to make the Seine safe for athletes.


Paris Mayor: Russian, Belarusian Athletes ‘Not Welcome’ at Olympics

Paris mayor Anne Hidalgo sparked outrage by declaring that Russian and Belarusian athletes “are not welcome” in Paris for the Olympics this summer.


Tokyo 10K Olympic Champion Ana Marcela Cunha Calls For a “Plan B” For Seine Open Water Events

Olympic open water champion Ana Marcela Cunha became the latest to raise concerns about hosting Paris open water events in the Seine, calling for a ‘Plan B’.


Il Presidente Francese Macron Promette Un Tuffo Nella Senna Prima Dei Giochi

Il Presidente francese Macron ha promesso di nuotare personalmente nella Senna una volta che gli sforzi di pulizia in corso saranno completati

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French President Macron Promises a Dip in the Seine in Lead Up to Olympic Open Water Events

French President Emmanuel Macron promises a swim in the Seine as water quality remains a concern leading up to Olympic open water swimming events.


Paris Mayor Anne Hidalgo Promises To Swim in Seine Before Olympics

Anne Hildago’s promise echoes the one that former Paris Mayor Jacques Chirac made in 1990, which he never followed through on.