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Andre Luiz Souza

L’Autorità Antidoping Brasile Sospende Un Nuotatore Qualificato Per Tokyo

L’autorità brasiliana antidoping ha sospeso un nuotatore qualificato per Tokyo per aver fallito un test, possibilità di una nuova prova tempo

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Pumputis and Lanza join Brazil’s Olympic Roster, Costa Sweeps Distance Events

Caio Pumputis and Vini Lanza cracked the Olympic qualifying time in the 200 IM tonight, with Pumputis commanding the race with a lifetime best time (1:58.53.)


Brazilian Doping Authority Suspends Tokyo Qualifier; Santos Offered Time Trial

After one of the top 4 was suspended for an alleged doping violation, the CBDA will offer Santos a second chance to make the 400 free relay for Tokyo.


Trials Brasile I 100 Stile Maschili Portano Altre Due Qualifiche Olimpiche

I 100 metri stile libero maschili ai Trials brasiliani hanno portato altri due atleti qualificati per Tokyo, Souza e Spajari

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Beatriz Dizotti Nuovo Record Brasiliano 1500 E Qualifica Olimpica

Ai trials in Brasile Beatriz Dizotti ha stabilito il nuovo record nazionale nei 1500 metri stile libero femminili, qualificandosi per Tokyo

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Brazil Adds Dizotti, Lorscheitter, Souza and Spajari to Olympic Roster

Dizotti became the first woman to qualify for Brazil’s 2021 Olympic roster in an individual, pool event after breaking the National 1500 free Record tonight.

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Brazil To Hold Men’s Freestyle Relay Camps In January & February

Brazil will hold a pair of relay camps for their men’s 4×100 and 4×200 free teams as they hone in on those events heading into the 2020 Olympics.


Brazil Names 8-Swimmer Team for 2018 Youth Olympic Games

Rafaela Raurich has set no-fewer-than 21 Brazilian Age Records in her young career.

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