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Ana Marcela Cunha

La Campionessa Olimpica Cunha Chiede Un “Piano B” Per Le 10 km A Parigi

La campionessa olimpica Ana Marcela Cunha solleva preoccupazioni sulle gare nella Senna a Parigi 2024 e chiede un Piano B

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Tokyo 10K Olympic Champion Ana Marcela Cunha Calls For a “Plan B” For Seine Open Water Events

Olympic open water champion Ana Marcela Cunha became the latest to raise concerns about hosting Paris open water events in the Seine, calling for a ‘Plan B’.


Domenico Acerenza, Leonie Beck Win 10K Titles at Open Water World Cup Stop in Soma Bay

Reigning overall World Cup champion Leonie Beck of Germany took the women’s 10km title less than half a second ahead of Hungary’s Bettina Fabian.

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Más críticas a París 2024: “El río Sena no está hecho para nadar”

Los organizadores han insistido en que “no existe un plan B”, pero Ana Marcela Cunha, actual campeona olímpica de aguas abiertas, pide que se elabore.

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Men’s 5km Open Water Event Comes Down To Finish As French Go 1-2 At World Championships

Logan Fontaine and Marc-Antoine Olivier of France went 1-2 in the men’s 5km open water race on Wednesday finishing just 0.30 seconds apart.


Le 13 Carte Olimpiche Conquistate Nella 10 Km Femminile Di Doha 2024

Nel 2023 tre atlete hanno conquistato il pass nominale: Beck, Gubecka, Grimes. Se ne aggiungono ora 13 che ottengono pass nazione

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Arianna Bridi: Pass Olimpico Per L’Italia Con L’8° Posto Mondiale, Oro Van Rouwendaal

Arianna Bridi conquista il pass olimpico per l’Italia nella 10 km grazie al suo 8° posto nelle acque del porto di Doha, Qatar

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David Farinango fue elegido el mejor de América de Sur

Por primera vez, la Confederación Sudamericana de Natación premia y reconoce a los mejores deportistas de deportes acuáticos de la región.

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Swammy Awards: Nuotatrice Open Water Dell’Anno Leonie Beck (GER)

Il premio Swammy 2023 per la nuotatrice in acque libere dell’anno va alla tedesca Leonie Beck, che si allena in Italia con Fabrizio Antonelli

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2023 Swammy Awards: Open Water Female Swimmer of the Year – Leonie Beck

Leonie Beck was victorious in both the 5k and 10k at 2023 World Championships in Fukuoka, and also won the overall World Cup title.

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arena Swim of the Week: Ashley Twichell Upsets Olympic Champ In Pan Am 10km

After planning to retire and then giving birth, the 34-year-old Twichell came back with an incredible win over Ana Marcela Cunha in the women’s 10km.

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Ashley Twichell Vince La 10km Ai Pan Am A 34 Anni E Dopo Aver Partorito Nel 2022

17 mesi dopo aver partorito, Ashley Twichell ha vinto la 10 chilometri contro la campionessa olimpica in carica Ana Marcela Cunha

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Ashley Twichell, 34, Wins 10k Gold at Pan Ams After Giving Birth Last Year

Ashley Twichell, 34, beat reigning Olympic champion Ana Marcela Cunha by 13 seconds in the women’s 10 km on Sunday in San Bernardo, Chile.


Santiago 2023: Ashley Twichell evitó el 1-2 sudamericano

La campeona olímpica Ana Marcela Cunha no pudo revalidar el oro logrado en Lima al quedar segunda en la prueba de aguas abiertas en los Juegos Panamericanos.

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Twichell, DeGeorge, and Gravley Brothers Named To U.S. Pan Am Open Water Team

Open water veteran Ashley Twichell leads the United States’ four-member roster for the Pan American Games 10k event in October.