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Alina Zmushka

Russia: Stepanov 1° Al Mondo E Record 800 Stile-Surkova Record 50 Farfalla

Aleksandr Stepanov fissa il nuovo record russo negli 800 stile libero, 1° al mondo e Alina Surkova nei 50 farfalla ai Campionati russi 2023


Stepanov, Surkova Set Russian Records, Chikunova Moves To World #1 On Day 3 In Kazan

Evgeniia Chikunova set a lifetime best of 1:05.67 in the women’s 100 breaststroke on Day 3 of the Russian Championships to take over #1 in the world rankings.


Kliment Kolesnikov Hits World-Leading 52.54 100 Back On Day 2 of Russian Championships

Kolesnikov took over #1 in the world in the 100 back, while Martin Malyutin has shined with two wins through the first two days in Kazan.


Kliment Kolesnikov 52.54 Nei 100 Dorso Ai Campionati Russi-Recap

Durante la prima sessione di finali dei Campionati russi, Kolesnikov ha nuotato il tempo più veloce al mondo nei 100 metri dorso

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Campionati Russi: Analisi Day 6 E Classifica Generale

Si sono conclusi i Campionati russi con molte prestazioni degne di nota anche nell’ultima giornata. L classifica completa

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Shymanovich Primo al Mondo Nei 50 Rana-Analisi Day5 Campionati Russi

Ilya Shymanovich nei 50 rana e Ilia Borodin nei 400 misti hanno realizzato i tempi più veloci al mondo ai Campionati russi di Kazan

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Borodin, Shymanovich & Kameneva Post World-Leading Times On Day 5 of Russian Champs

In the 400 IM, European Record holder Ilya Borodin put up a time of 3:58.08, making him the first man sub-4:00 in the world this year.


Campionati Russi: I Record Nazionali Ed I Risultati Del Day 4

È stata una serata da record quella di mercoledì ai Campionati russi di nuoto in vasca corta che ha visto molti record nazionali cadere

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Kolesnikov’s WR, Russian Records From Surkova & Kameneva Highlight Day 4 In Kazan

Prior to setting a new world record in the 50 back, Kliment Kolesnikov also blasted a 20.88 50 free leading off Moscow City’s 200 free relay.


Maria Kameneva, Kliment Kolesnikov Break Russian Records at Russian Championships

Maria Kameneva broke the Russian Record in the women’s 100 meter freestyle on Tuesday. (Archive image from the 2021 ISL season).


Three Men Get Under 23 In The 50 Free On Final Night Of Belarusian Champs

Alexander Frolov won the 50 freestyle in a 22.82, slightly out-touching Ruslan Skamaroshka, and Anton Latkin in the final heat.

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Ruslan Skomoroshko Blasts 48.96 in 100 Free at Belarusian Open Championships

Skomoroshko came the closest to setting a Belarusian National record on day 2 with his 100 free semifinal win. He is .06 off going into the final tomorrow.


La FINA prohíbe a los atletas rusos y bielorrusos competir en el Mundial 2022

Además de anunciar la prohibición a los atletas rusos y bielorrusos, la FINA anunció que retira el Mundial de natación en piscina corta 2022 de Kazán, Rusia.

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FINA Bans Russian & Belarusian Athletes From Competing At 2022 Worlds

FINA also announced that it is pulling the 2022 Short Course World Championships out of Kazan.


2021 SC World Championships: Day 1 Heats Live Recap

The women’s 200 free will give us our first look at Hong Kong’s Siobhan Haughey, who has been tearing up the swimming world all year.